Cross-Training Ideas For Runners

For runners to make improvements and overcome training plateaus, it is a good idea to consider cross training. There are so many different workout options that it can be hard to choose one, but go for something that appeals to you. Some runners like to try Martial Arts Training to improve their flexibility. Military self defense styles can also build core strength which leads to more efficient running.

Runners cross-train in other sports and workout programs as a way to supplement what they are already doing. New runners and veteran runners can all benefit from a cross-training regimen. Cross-training offers several benefits including the following:

– Cross-training can help you develop muscles you don’t typically use while you are running. At the same time you can give overused muscles a chance to rest and recover. Your inner thighs often are underdeveloped if the only exercise you get is running. Changing it up can help you improve balance across all muscle groups.

– You can change your routine without losing your overall fitness level. If you keep up with an aerobic routine you can continue to improve your cardiovascular fitness.

– Cross-training lessens your chances of getting injured. Most of the time injuries are the result of a weaker set of muscles. By using other muscle groups and balancing their strength across your entire body you will be less prone to running injuries and you can give your joints a break from the routine pounding they get while running.

– If you do the same thing all the time, chances are you will get bored. If you get bored, you might be more likely to stop exercising altogether, and that is never good. Cross-training can keep you from feeling burned out. Marathoners and other long-distance runners are especially susceptible to burnout.

– You can give running injuries a chance to heal. Because other forms of exercise work different sets of muscles and different joints, you can take time to let your running injuries without skipping out on exercise entirely.

Cross-Training Sports to Try:

Swimming: Swimming gives your leg muscles and joints time to relax. Because swimming is a no-impact sport it’s good for letting old injuries heal completely. At the same time the water resistance allows you to continue to develop your body’s overall strength and endurance. Because runners tend to overwork their legs and neglect their upper body, swimming is great for developing the muscles in the arms, back, and shoulders to balance out your body’s strength. Swimming, like any sport, can be a form of therapy if you are able to get into your zone.

Cycling or Spinning: Whether you do outdoor cycling or ride a stationary bike, cycling is another low-impact cross-training option for runners. Cycling works to develop your quadriceps and glutes and can be done indoors or outdoors. Spin classes can be fun if you like exercising in a group atmosphere.

No matter which cross-training sport you decide to try, it is important to give your muscles and your mind a break from the normal running routine.

Author Bio: For more information about military self defense, please check out Martial Arts Training.

Category: Sports
Keywords: military self defense, Martial Arts Training

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