Different Black Hat Internet Marketing Techniques

Sometimes, Internet marketing with the help of search engine optimization by legitimate means can take an awful long time. In the wake of extreme desperation, some users start trying out some “Black Hat” methods to promote their websites. This can also be done by those Internet users who wish to make quick and easy money online by diverting web traffic to their websites. Such methods and techniques are collectively known as Black Hat Internet marketing techniques. Some of these methods are explained here:

1. Keyword stuffing: No one can ignore the importance of keywords in getting indexed by search engines. These help the web pages to get noticed by search engine algorithms to locate different web pages. However, website owners tend to stuff keywords in their web pages to gain attention of the search engines. This is known as keyword stuffing and qualifies as a black hat Internet marketing technique.

An unwritten rule of keyword usage in a web page, article or any other form of promotion of a website for Internet marketing is that the keywords need to be used in such a way that the number of times of their usage doesn’t exceed 2% of total number of words in that particular page or article. Any number above that is not considered legitimate and can lead to disqualification of that particular web page by the search engines.

2. Gateway page: Have you come across such a page which has no useful content but the only purpose that it solves is to direct Internet users to another page. Such a page is called a gateway page and is also known by the names like landing page, doorway page or a bridge page. This page is created mainly to trick search engine spiders to index a particular page. In this way, the webmasters are able to navigate Internet users to their e-commerce websites and make their Internet marketing campaigns successful.

3. Link farms: Like gateway pages link farms too, are devoid of any sensible content other than link to certain web pages. You can find only links which help in navigation of the Internet users to web pages in a group of websites. This can be used to lure Internet users to websites that are engaged in any form of Internet marketing. By doing this, website owners can increase their search engine rankings and hence, get a large number of visitors on their websites. Once detected by search engines though, these can get blacklisted by them.

4. Hidden links or text: The webmasters may include invisible links or words on their web pages. This can be done by making the text same as the background.

5. Cloaking: Cloaking involves displaying different information to individual users and search engines. In order to increase the reach of their Internet marketing campaigns, the webmasters may trick the search engine algorithms by showing them content which might be entirely different from their actual web content.

The black hat Internet marketing techniques might work in the short run, but these get identified by the search engines easily and can lead to the banning of the websites which employ such techniques.

Author Bio: Jason Bacot – Internet Marketing is one of the most popular and best ways to Make Money Online. Expand your limitations on Search Engine Optimization and check out the most lucrative SEO Service.

Category: Internet
Keywords: internet marketing, online marketing, make money online, affiliate marketing

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