Do You Believe in the Bible?

There is only one Bible. A handful of translations are available in print, sure, but there’s only one Bible itself which is based on an unearthed scripture thousands of years old. Now go to the nearest bookstore, and you’ll find hundreds of book refuting what’s written on the Bible, saying the Bible is telling a complete lie, or that the Bible is so old it no longer applies to our modern world.

The thing is most people have never read any of these books. But they haven’t read the Bible either. Who has the patience to read the Bible these days? Who has the patience to read anything? So they easily assume that the counter-argument is right: the Bible is a hoax and is not something you should put your faith in.

So why are we even discussing it? Fact is, the Bible IS something you should put your faith in. Faith. Isn’t that what religion is all about?

One way to tip the scales in the Bible’s favor is by looking at the prophecies. No other religious book–no other books, for that matter–has fulfilled prophecies on such a grand scale that the only way explain it is to believe and have faith that God indeed intended the Bible to guide mankind to salvation. For instance…

In 538 BC, the prophet Daniel predicted that God’s child Jesus Christ would come to save the Jews from the Persian emperor and help them rebuild the holy city of Jerusalem. The prophecy was fulfilled a hundred years later. Is there any other way to explain this?

The Bible describes prophecies fulfilled all around the world. There are prophecies in smaller towns, cities and sometimes in the scale of an entire country, all of them described in the Bible in great detail. In the first coming, the Bible describes more than 300 prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ.

No other book can hold a candle and challenge the Bible’s authenticity. Self-proclaimed prophets like Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus and Jeanne Dixon are too vague to deserve any credit, and the same goes for other religious texts such as the Confucian Analects, etc. The Bible is the only book that has accurately predicted prophecies on such a grand scale and for as long as anyone could remember.

If you’re still doubting, here are other fulfilled prophecies outlined by the Bible before they were proven by scientists.

1. Gravitational field (Job26:7)
2. Importance of blood (Leviticus 17:11)
3. Number of stars (Jeremiah 33:22)
4. Law of conservation (II Peter 3:7)
5. Shape of the Earth (Isaiah 40:22)
6. Circulation of atmosphere (Ecclesiastes 1:6)
7. Law of entropy (Psalm 102:25-27)
8. Hydrologic cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7)
9. Extent of universe (Isaiah 55:9)

Unlike prophecies written in cryptic messages, the Bible clearly mentions these topics well before science was even halfway to proving them. The Bible is indeed a true, holy scripture. It is the word of God and there’s no denying that. To have faith in the Bible is to have faith in the Lord.

I’ll ask a simple question: Do you believe in the Bible now?

Author Bio: Looking for relevant Bible verses? Top Bible Verses has hundreds of Bible verses uploaded to the website on a regular basis. Visit the website Top Bible Verses for your daily dose of Bible verses and quotes.

Category: Religion
Keywords: Christian faith, Christian beliefs

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