Effective Tips to Keep From Losing Him For Good – How to Make Your Ex Fall in Love With You Again

After a breakup, you are so stunned and heart broken it might seem there is no way to keep from losing him for good. But that is hardly ever the case. Almost all relationships can be repaired with a little patience and determination. You just need to learn how to make your ex fall in love with you again. Actually he has probably never stopped loving you. There are many reasons for a breakup and almost none of them are final.

The two most serious reasons are incompatibility and cheating. With incompatibility, two people are attracted to each other, but their personalities clash and they will always have trouble in a relationship. With cheating, it is something that will make it hard for you to ever trust the other party again and it will take strong and true love for the relationship to survive.

But hopefully, the problem with your relationship is one of the frivolous ones, such as a temper tantrum or immaturity. Many men are insecure and have self doubts. When your ex told you he needed space or a break, it could have been because of feeling unappreciated and so he runs off thinking you will run after him. Having you crying and begging him to come back, inflates his ego and makes him feel like a big man.

Instead of acting like an adult, your ex is showing his immaturity. He is acting like a small boy that needs to be constantly reassured that you love him. The problem is, that no matter what you do to show your love, he is never quite satisfied. This will cause you to be in a constant turmoil and if you are not careful it can effect your health. If you hope to have a successful relationship with him, he is going to have to grow up.

An effective tip to keep from losing him for good, is to make him think he has lost you. That might seem like a contradiction, but it is not. You need to scare the daylights out of him and make realize once and for all that you do not need him as much as he needs you. It all starts with not chasing after him and telling him you cannot live without him. When he tells you he needs space and sulks off somewhere, ignore him. Treat him like the child he is and let him sulk alone.

Spend time with your family, go out with your friends and have a good time. Act as if he does not exist. Give him a chance to experience his life without you. Hearing about you being out having a good time, will make him realize that other guys will be hitting on you and he could be in danger of losing you. Your ex will call you and ask you to meet him for a talk. Keep your calm and tell him you are pretty busy, but you will call in a few days and arrange a time and place.

This keeps you in control and will make him sweat a little. If you just accept his offer, he will see how anxious you are to have him back and pull the same stunt again. Now is the time to show him that he needs you more than you need him.

Author Bio: If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before.

Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this Helpful Site.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: do not lose him for good,make him fall in love with you again,get your ex boyfriend back

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