Facts About Autism

Autism was first described in early 1940’s by a child psychiatrist Leo Kanner. Autism is a developmental disorder present during the first day of life or soon after birth which is characterized by detachment from reality. It is the worst classification of Progressive Developmental Disorder. Autism can typically be tested and diagnosed when the child is in toddlerhood, about 1-3 years of age wherein at this stage, the child should be demonstrating an interest in communication verbally, possesses the capability to become skilled on his surroundings which an autistic child fails to perform.

From 1940’s to 1960’s, child psychiatrist believes the mother of autistic child is the primary reason for the emergence of this condition. The mother and child attachment has been linked in this issue since studies during these times shows that “refrigerator parents” who are passive and indifferent somehow contribute to the autistic behavior of these children. Later, experts come up with one theory that autism is caused by many factors such as hereditary, viral agents during pregnancy, metabolic disorders like phenylketunuria, immune tolerance and problems during pregnancy like anoxia.

Classically, a child with autism keeps away from individual contact like crying while being hugged, stiffening when being held in the parent’s arms and playing on his own which seems like he has his own world. Unlike other normal toddlers, autistic kids are not calmed by being held or cuddled. That’s why in dealing with these circumstances, during tantrums for example, as an alternative to hugging the child in giving comfort, offer him his preferred toy and transport him to a safer area with a less stimulating environment.

Other characteristics of an autistic child includes not capable to differentiate self his environment, thus the child talks about himself in third person, slow maturity of self-help activities, like feeding himself, wearing his clothes on, and using the toilet, difficulty in learning to communicate and sometimes these children repeats the last word you have just said to them or at worst, being mute; they do not reply to people or other environmental stimulus, which causes no eye contact for the most part of conversation. They love to stereotype body actions like shaking, spinning, hand flapping, and repetitive activities while they stick to habits and rituals with hatred to changes.

The focus of care among children with autism is more on safety. Parents should be taught about safety measures at home. Autistic child may not be familiar with hazards because of their impaired logical maturity. In giving instructions to a child about safety, one should build up habit not judgment. Measures include locking all doors and gates when child sleepwalks during night time, wrapping the child’s arm with a blanket if he is engaged in biting his arms, using helmet if he is fond of head banging, pads corners of all furniture at home if the child is clumsy because this might be a cause of skin breaks, head injury and other accidents. The home environment should be highly structured and changed to provide the best way to keep the child safe.

Author Bio: Brent McNutt enjoys writing for Uniformhaven.com which sells urbane scrub tops and landau 8327 as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Autism,health,remedies

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