FOF Design Share the Results of the World Recovery

Third quarter of 2009, benefiting from all major economies to take a massive economic stimulus, the world economy stepped out of the 2007 U.S. sub-debt crisis. Global stock markets from March 2009 has continued to rebound.

Days with investment creative department that: the current global economy is in early recovery, and recovery become more clear, the United States and emerging market countries, a strong rebound in demand will lead the global economy to recovery.

View from Wall Street’s long-term trend,500 index has come out of the bottom of the financial crisis; behalf of the European countries the situation of Morgan Stanley stock pan-European index rebounded quickly after the financial crisis, debt crisis, while under the influence in Europe be adjusted, but the basic firm 800 points; Asia-Pacific economy, the Japanese economy from the second quarter of 2009, a strong rebound, is one of the first out of the recession of the developed countries; Japan’s GDP in 2010 will continue to benefit from global economic recovery Suo in export growth, in Qinei Japan Gushi upward trend is expected to Jixubaochi; Australia Zi by the end of 2008 since it has initiated a rising trend in the economy, GDP annualized of Zeng Zhang Ji Du ring speedy recovery and resume Dao pre-crisis levels the employment market also continued to rebound. The current 200 index has recovered O card to the 2005 to 2006, when the point position, a good stock market performance is expected to continue.

In the context of global economic recovery, investors can invest in global markets overseas funds, on the one hand through global allocation of foreign investment funds in the world economic recovery, Zheng Qu Seize Butonggushi Lun moving up opportunities for different Shichang in Zhuiqiu “round move “up, while the benefits, but also through diversification and reduce investment risk. On the other hand, in practice, not a fund manager may also have made the global best return for each market, and the “fund of funds” – FOF could be alleviated through a global flexible to select excellent overseas fund managers to achieve the objective of global diversification. Meanwhile, the fund choices “second selection”, will be more helpful FOF types of foreign investment funds to further control risk.

It is learned that Peng Chinese fund management company is currently issued Peng Hua Securities Investment Fund is a global find in accordance with a “fund of funds (FOF)” Design of global investment funds allocation.

The Fund will fund assets 60% to 95% invested in global markets funds, so that managers can be more flexible in the world, selected through the test of time and market volatility good funds overseas, the long-term fund assets Zhuiqiu value. Peng Hua quasi Global Fund portfolio was found claiming the Certificate of Merit of the actively managed equity funds and passively managed ETF, in better control of operations under the premise of the risks, and strive to enable investors to better share the world’s best fund manager’s investment performance, worth the wait.

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