Gardening As an Enjoyable Family Activity

With the busy schedule of the family, quality time is shorter to spend. The kids have school and the parents have work. Most of the time, weekends are taken by friends and colleagues and so Sunday has become the unofficial family day where everyone can be found at home. If you would want to have your family together, then consider Gardening to help you build closer ties with the whole family.

There is not enough reason not to engage in any family activity. Amusement parks can be a fun destination for the whole family, but let us face it. The kids are growing up and they do not like to be taken again and again to the same fun place. The parents on the other hand, ends up baby sitting the kids and has lesser fun time to themselves.

Malls can be a good place to spend hours window shopping or strolling but each family member has their own preference shops. Most of the time, the family ends up not being together as they loiter around the mall pursuing their own interests and later on meeting up in a place and later time.

Movie theaters can be a heavy expense to the family budget on a weekly basis. Families usually watch a movie once a month together and it comes at a costly price. This can not be a feasible routine catch up with.

So if you are looking for an alternative routine for your family that does not cost a lot, involve the family together, and give fun for both parents and kids, then try gardening. Kids might be wary at first, but they will learn to love the benefits of gardening if you allow them to learn about things in the garden like naming the plants, helping in the digging and sowing of seeds, watering the shrubs, learning about the bugs, and so many other interesting things to learn. This is one of the best ways to give them a hands on experience in the things about the garden.

Parents on the other hand find it relaxing to tend to the shrubs and watering the flowers. No matter what type of garden you might have in your space, it will be fun to share the experience of communing with nature. Your family will feel grounded and together in this small effort in giving back to the Earth in small gardening tasks like planting and helping potted plants grow.

If you have quite a big garden in your yard, then you might even consider holding Outdoor fire pits during the summers for marshmallows and grilling with family. Fire pits can also be enjoyed indoors, but is best placed in your garden for that relaxing and warmth effect. You do not have to worry about the mess of burning wood or coal as there many fire pits available that does not leave behind any ashes or produce choking smoke when burning. This is ideal for the kids to enjoy the fire around the Outdoor fire pits without worries.

There is no other substitute for the sense of togetherness of the family when they are enjoying an activity together. That genuine feeling of belonging with the family can be the most reassuring experience any kids will have from their parents that will stay with them in the years to come.

Author Bio: Lauren Laughlin enjoys writing for which sells firepit and propane fire pit as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Gardening
Keywords: gardening,family time,family hobby,family bonding

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