Get Rid of Hemorrhoids/Hemroids: How to Cure Hemorrhoids Fast Without Unnecessary Side Effects

Hemorrhoids/Hemroids are also known as piles. They are swollen dilated veins of the anus and rectum caused by abnormally elevated pressure in the rectal veins. The blood vessels in the lining of the anus are the ones affected in the formation of hemorrhoids. The supporting and surrounding muscular tissues in the wall of the rectum get stretched and weakened by the pressure build up in the hemorrhoid blood vessels. { Click the links in the last paragraph below to know more about the real causes of hemorrhoids}

There are two types of hemorrhoids: a) Internal hemorrhoids and b) External hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are sac like protrusion inside the anal canal lying beneath the inner lining of anus whereas external hemorrhoids are external to the opening of the anus. The external hemorrhoids are covered by skin.

There are different causes of hemorrhoids which includes vomiting, prolonged sitting, sneezing, coughing, diarrhea, chronic constipation accompanied by straining during defecation, pregnancy, sedentary life style, anal intercourse, rectal or anal infection, cirrhosis of the liver, lifting of heavy objects, standing for too long, overweight and intake of low fiber diet. {Click the links in the last paragraph below to get your free mini course on hemorrhoids}

Most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are bright red painless bleeding seen on stools or on toilet paper after wiping the anus, mucus discharge, protrusion of lump through the anus, itching, false urge to defecate even when the bowels are empty, pain {especially in internal hemorrhoids}, the presence of soft lumps around the anus is also felt in eternal hemorrhoids. ( Click the links in the last paragraph below to know how to get rid of symptoms permanently)

Some of the natural treatments of hemorrhoids include:

– Increased intake of high fiber diets has undeniable beneficial in helping to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoid and bleeding. It helps to reduce straining during defecation by making stools softer and increasing the bulk size of stools. It also reduces the symptoms like pain, discomfort and itching. So every sufferer should increase the intake of foods which are rich in fiber like whole grains and vegetables. It is also advisable to drink plenty of water. {Click the links in the last paragraph below to learn more about 5 vegetables and fruits that you can take once weekly to prevent hemorrhoids}

– A type of plant compound known as ‘Bioflavonoids’, is very effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It decreases the inflammation and also strengthens the walls of the blood vessels. They are very effective to reduce the anal discomfort pain and anal discharge when any person undergoes an acute attack of hemorrhoid. It is also very fruitful in the treatment of hemorrhoids during the time of pregnancy. There is also a secret eastern herbal mixture that is very effective in treating and shrinking hemorrhoid swellings. {To know more about the secret eastern herbs that are very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoid click the links in the last paragraph below}

– The use of loose clothing and cotton underwear is highly recommended, if someone is suffering from hemorrhoids, this reduces the build up of heat in anal region. It is necessary to clean gently the anus with moist toilet paper or moistened pads after each bowel movement, as this will reduce unnecessary irritation of the hemorrhoid. Symptoms of hemorrhoids will also be reduced by taking aspirin or acetaminophen. Ice packs can be applied to the swelling to reduce the swelling. You may also apply cortisone creams, petroleum jelly, suppositories or hemorrhoidal cream over the affected area.

Author Bio: To Stop the bleeding and NEVER have to strain when using the toilet, Get the Best, Safest and Most Effective Natural Therapy For your Complete healing. You can also Get your FREE mini course on hemorrhoids here.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hemorrhoids,hemroids,hemorrhoid symptoms,hemorrhoid cure,hemorrhoid home treatment,piles

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