Guys, Good Looks Do Count When You Want To Attract Girls

If you have browsed through dating websites, you will come across many “pick up girls gurus” telling you that women don’t give a heck about a man’s physical appearance? They are not attracted to good looking handsome men per se but through their personalities. Do you believe that?

Well, to me looks do not matter much to women if you are talking about long term relationships that have already been well established. However, when it comes to meeting women for the first time, then good looks and good physical impressions certainly counts a mighty lot for mutual attraction!

You see, during the first encounter between a man and a woman, both parties place exactly the same amount of influence on the looks of each other. This is only natural.

I mean, if you are in the vicinity of girls, your attention will certainly be drawn to the hottest girl there, won’t it? So the less attractive girls will usually be an after thought, wouldn’t they?

Believe it or not, the same goes for women and be warned, if you are meeting a girl for the first time, she will definitely care about the way you look. I mean, after all, the girl do not know anything about you or your personality since both of you have just met, it naturally goes on to say that the only thing that you can impress her and get her wanting to know you more is your looks and appearance, isn’t it?

Now this will mean that both men and women use looks as an initial means of evaluating each other. This is indisputable at this point in time during the first meeting. After all, this is a subconscious process that happens every time you or she is meeting someone new.

Okay, to be fair to others who say that girls are not attracted by good looks and good impressions because once the girls get to know you better, they will be less influenced by your looks and start to notice your personality and whether you have that X factor.

This is thus why most average looking guys fail to get past the first stage of being acquainted with women well enough until looks do not play a dominant factor anymore in female attraction. So for most of us, the irony is that we just can’t simply get past that “first impression” with women if we aren’t that good looking!

Hey, if you agree with me earlier, you will know that a girl judges you based on the way you look and then whoosh, most of the time she is not keen because she has already had many better looking guys drooling over her and she knows that particularly if she is a beautiful girl. She simply has too many good cherries to pick when it comes to guys. Simple law of supply and demand.

Put it this way, if you are standing in line at a grocery store and a beautiful girl is ahead of you in the checkout line and you’ve got only a minute to talk to her, how on earth can you possibly show her that you are a fabulous guy and that you can be the best boyfriend in the world? She is certainly not going to give you the time or any chance at all if she does not at least find you to be at least mildly attractive or somewhat handsome, wouldn’t she?

On the other hand, guys tend to continue to place a lot of emphasis on how a woman looks even after they get to know her well. Guys like to be with hot chicks, as simple as that. Women are much more likely to date a not so good looking guy if she already knows him well and loves his personality. But you can rarely find good looking guys dating not so attractive women unless they want something else from them.

The bottom line is this, you don’t have to have a handsome movie star looks or be a mesmerizing handsome hunk to have the initial attraction with women. Women are realistic too. You only need to be somewhat good looking so that you can get past the first encounter for the chance to show your great personality. If you can get past that stage, she will stop caring how you look all that much.

If you are an average Joe, don’t worry guys, all is not lost. I am sure you have seen those makeover photographs, right? You have seen how those people can groom themselves so well until their looks are totally transformed, haven’t you? Well, do what they did!

If you are overweight, lose weight and if you are underweight, go to the gym and put on some muscles. Change your wardrobe with more fashionable clothing and accessories. Visit your local aesthetician to clear up the blemishes or pigmentation on your face and so on and so forth. There are simply many things which you can do to become good looking and attractive to girls to get past the first hurdle! Just do it!

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at Become Handsome And Goodlooking and Be Sexually Attractive With Pheromone Sprays

Category: Dating
Keywords: attractive to girls, good looks, good looking, handsome, women

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