Hemorrhoid Symptoms – How You Can Easily Diagnose Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid is a painful disease condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Despite the advances made by modern medicine in this modern age, so many people, so many people are still suffering from the effects of this excruciating affliction. Although there are many hemorrhoids home remedies and other treatment for hemorrhoids available especially on the internet only few of these remedies give encouraging results.{To get a good hemorrhoid home remedy click the links in the last paragraph below}

Before you decide on the course of action to take you must be sure that the symptoms you are experiencing are diagnostic of hemorrhoids or maybe they point to some other disease.

The term hemorrhoids (also called piles or hemroids) refer to a condition which is characterized by swollen rectal veins caused mainly by excessive straining during defecation causing pressure build up in the anal area. This causes the tissues surrounding the vein to enlarge and protrude, hanging like a sac. (Click the link in the last paragraph below to download a free book on hemorrhoids)

There are two main types of hemorrhoids:

1-Internal hemorrhoids: Where the hemorrhoid tissue hangs from the inner walls of the anal cavity and in more extreme cases even protrude out of the anus (a condition known as prolapsed hemorrhoids)

2- External hemorrhoids: The hemorrhoid tissue is situated around the anus opening itself. These lumps are covered with skin.

The main symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

-Fecal bleeding {bleeding associated with passage of feces}: This is caused by the passage of hard stool that scrapes against the swollen tissue causing it to rupture. Most people either see signs of blood on their stool or on the tissue paper that they use to wipe after defecation. This is the commonest symptom of hemroids. (Click the links in the last paragraph below to know how you can stop bleeding hemorrhoids permanently)

-Tenesmus: This is a medical term used to describe the false feeling of the need to defecate when there is no genuine need to. It is caused by the bulge on the inner anal wall and this uncomfortable feeling gets worse as the tissue swells even larger.

-Bulge around the anus: External hemorrhoids are easily identified as an external bulge seen around the anus. Left unattended, the blood within the external hemorrhoids will clot and harden (a condition known as thrombosed external hemorrhoids). When this happens, the pain can be excruciating, making it almost impossible to sit comfortably. (To know how to get rid of hemroid pain quickly and permanently click the links in the last paragraph below)

-Itching around the anus: Both internal and especially external hemorrhoids have a tendency to itch because the enlarged tissue secretes mucus causing irritation to the area around it. It is very important not to scratch no matter how you feel you need to as this might cause the hemorrhoids to rupture and bleed.( To know how to stop the embarrassing itching click the links in the last paragraph below)

-Pain around the anus: External hemorrhoids tend to be more painful than internal hemorrhoids especially as it is more likely to get irritated and scraped against round undergarments and due to rich nerve network of the skin around the anus. However, as the internal hemorrhoids grow larger, the pain can get extremely excruciating especially when passing motion and when contracting the anal muscles. When the hemorrhoid prolapses, it complicates the condition even more and cause further pain but in most cases, this can be easily solved by gently pushing the prolapsed hemorrhoids back into the anus.

Most of the time, the best kind of treatment is achieved by the proper home care use of good natural remedies. Surgery though usually touted by some people, is rarely ever needed as hemorrhoids is never life threatening and you should only consider surgery if you have tried all other non-surgical options. {To know what to do to avoid surgery click the links in the last paragraph below)

On a final note you have to realize that rectal bleeding, abdominal pain and sudden changes to your bowel habits are symptoms of colon, rectal or anal cancer. If you are over 50 years old and have a family history of any of these cancers, what you have might not be hemroids, it might be early signs of colorectal cancer, so make sure you go for a thorough medical check up by your physician.

Author Bio: TERMINATE that terrible pain, itching and other distressful symptoms Easily Without Any Side Effects within the next 48 hrs. Get The Best Hemorrhoid Remedy NOW . Download A Free Hemorrhoids Mini Course.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hemroids,hemorrhoids,hemorrhoid cure, hemorrhoid symptoms, thrombosed hemorrhoids, natural cure,

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