Hemorrhoid Treatment- How to Use Suppositories Effectively

Suppositories are drugs that are administered in form of anal tablets. These drugs are inserted into the anus where they gradually dissolve and are absorbed into the body. Hemorrhoids treatments suppositories are bullet shaped and are wrapped individually in foil in order to keep them clean and safe. Hemorrhoid suppositories consist of things like cocoa butter which are solid at room temperature. (Click the links in the last paragraph below to discover the best natural treatment for hemorrhoids)

A couple of suppositories consist of drugs that are active in low doses. They consist of very low doses of steroids like hydrocortisone, phenylephrine HCI or starch. You can find these in some popular over the counter drugs like Tucks and Preparation H. You can as well come across numerous generic varieties like Target or CVS. Hemorrhoid suppositories are usually arranged in the same sections as laxatives.(Click the links in the last paragraph below to learn how to get rid of hemorrhoid pain permanently)

Some hemorrhoid suppositories, like Calmol do not have any drug as an active component and they just function as protectorants to coat the anal region to ease bowel movements. You can get these online via some discreet companies. As soon as you make a purchase the retailer delivers them to you in a generic package. A lot of people choose to shop online since they no longer face embarrassment of buying these across the counter.{Get a free mini course on hemorrhoids by clicking the links in the last paragraph below}

Most of the time people do not insert suppositories in the proper way to get the maximum benefits. These are some useful tips on proper insertion of anal suppositories:

– The rounded end is inserted into the anus and the flat end is held in the hand to push the suppository into the anus.

– It is advisable to warm the suppository after taking a bath or before inserting it lubricate it with little warm water. This enables the suppository to be inserted into the anal canal freely without too much friction.

– While standing, sitting or lying down suppositories can be inserted. While standing it is advisable to prop your leg up on a chair. While sitting simply sit on the toilet with your legs spread apart. You can as well insert the suppository in a lying position by lying down on one side and bending your alternate knee up close to your chest. Usually the suppository will slide into the anal canal easily.

– It is better to insert the suppositories just before going to bed as these drugs melt to turn into liquid that can be absorbed into the body. This can be a very untidy experience if one has to be walking around with liquid in ones butt.

All these being said, the use of suppositories alone will not guaranty permanent healing of hemorrhoids, for total permanent healing of hemorrhoids natural herbal products that also contain practical tips on healthy lifestyle and diet changes and that are without the usual side effects of surgery are highly recommended. You can combine these herbs and apply it to tighten the tissues that have weakened because of some cause. These herbs can provide permanent cure from hemorrhoids. The herbal remedies of hemorrhoid are really very much helpful. {Get the best herbal hemorrhoid cure in the links in the last paragraph below}

Author Bio: Hemorrhoids can get worse over time, making it harder to eliminate, stop risking even more suffering, annoyance and embarrassment don’t wait. TRY THIS NOW . You can also see a FREE sample of The Best Natural Hemorrhoid Therapy

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hemorrhoid home treatment,hemorrhoid relief,hemroids,hemorrhoids,hemorrhoid cure, hemorrhoid symptom

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