Hemroids Treatment – How You Can Make Hemorrhoids Disappear Permanently

The rising incidence of hemorrhoid/hemroid cases worldwide has sparked off a lot of scientific interest and research in medical institutes and research centers. The disease has been attributed mainly to unhealthy lifestyle of poor feeding habits, excessive drinking of alcohol, and poor sleeping patterns etc.

This disease is very common in the developed countries of the world like the USA where a majority of the populace will experience symptoms of the disease at one time or another in their lives. Governments of countries should start awareness programs and campaigns through television and newspapers ads, internet, conducting seminars and likewise. ( Click the links in the last paragraph below to get a free hemorrhoid course)

Hemroids are basically inflamed swellings of the veins connecting the anus with rectum. They form into a lump often causing pain and itching. Bleeding during defecation is also a common experience for most hemorrhoid cases. Constipation characterized with passage of hard stools and reduced frequency of bowel movements is one the major risk factors for developing hemorrhoids. { Click the links in the last paragraph below to learn more about the risk factors for hemorrhoids}

Modern day demands of work make quite a number people work long hours leading to the build up of stress. Such people also do not take adequate fluids, this leads to hardening of the stool. The hard stool in turn causes the soft inner mucosal membrane of the anus and rectum to rupture.
There are different types of modes of treating hemorrhoids including traditional natural methods and modern medicines.

Most of the traditional ways focus more towards the softening of the stool and reinforcing the walls of the anus and the associated muscles. Traditional treatments include using herbal lotions and creams, juices made up of leaves of a particular tree and the roots as well. Traditional exercises include and emphasize more on ergonomics that is the way you sleep, the way you walk and sit etc. {Want to know the best exercises for hemorrhoids treatment? Click the links in the last paragraph below to discover more}

The type of modern medical treatment that can be prescribed depends on the stage of the growth of the disease. If it is in the initial stages, doctors would try to cure using medicines to heal the fissures and softening the tool. These medicines will chiefly focus on improving and soothing the mucosal lining of the anal walls.

When the disease is well advanced with complications the disease may not respond to the use of simple medical therapies and complex procedures may then be recommended. Most of these procedures aim at cutting the blood supply of the hemorrhoid swelling causing the tissues to gradually wither away. (To avoid these procedures in the treatment of piles, click the links in the last paragraph below)

These techniques include:

– Rubber band ligation, this involves the use of rubber bands to occlude the blood vessels.

– Sclerotherapy, this involves injecting certain chemical inside the tissues which ensure dissolving their walls thus getting rid of hemorrhoids.

– There is also a technique in which electric shock is given to the tissue resulting in the tissue breaking away from the body.

– The more advanced is the laser technology which though not very popular is effective.

Author Bio: Try the Safest Simple, And Most Effective Natural Cure For Hemorrhoids Without Painful Procedures And Side Effects. Get Yours Now . You Can Also Download a Free Hemorrhoid Book.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hemorrhoid home treatment,hemorrhoid relief,hemroids,hemorrhoids,hemorrhoid cure, hemorrhoid symptom

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