Home Based Business Opportunities: Home Gold Parties

I bet if you looked in your jewelry box right now, you’d find a few pieces that you haven’t worn for years, and don’t ever intend to wear again. And, what about those single earrings that you’re hanging onto because you lost its mate, but couldn’t bring yourself to chuck a valuable piece of jewelry?

You’ve heard about gold parties and wonder if this is an opportunity that’s right for you. Well, to help you make that determination, I’m going to go over some key points about what a gold party is, and how hosting one can be a good home business opportunity.

Scrap Gold is Valuable

Those unwanted gold, platinum and silver pieces sitting in your jewelry box have pretty much lost their value, as far as, being something that you enjoy wearing. However, in reality, authentic precious metals never lose their value in the marketplace. There is always a need to access these metals to make new jewelry, coins and other things.

Therefore, those scrap jewelry pieces can be seen in a whole new light. They are valuable to refineries who can melt them down and sell them to manufacturers and jewelry makers. Now, the amount of money that gold and other precious metals are worth will fluctuate on a daily basis, but they will always have a high value.

Hosting Gold Parties

To get started hosting gold buying parties, you first need to decide if you are comfortable doing the hosting in your own home, or want to use another location. Because these parties involve large sums of money and valuables, you want your location to be reasonably secure.

Next, you want to locate a local jeweler, or pawn shop owner, who regularly buys and sells gold and other precious metals. This person should be skilled in weighing and measuring precious metals, and also have an honest way of determining the current value of each jewelry piece. The jewelry buyer will be the one paying you and all of your guests.

As the host, you then will set a date for your party and send out invitations to family and friends. You want to make sure that light refreshments are served – often the jewelry buyer will give you bonus money to cover this expense.

Encourage everyone to bring their unwanted gold jewelry, coins and even extracted dental fillings. If it’s gold, it can be sold. They can also bring unwanted platinum and silver pieces. This wide range of acceptable items makes it relatively easy for most to find something in their collection to sell.

During the party, you will have each guest go up, one at a time, and have their jewelry evaluated by the buyer. The buyer will make them an offer, and the attendee can choose to accept or refuse the offer. If they accept, the buyer will give them cash or issue them a check for that amount.

At the end of the party, the buyer tallies up the total amount sold and gives you a 10% cut of that money. And, that’s pretty much it.

Referral System

To make even more passive income from gold buying parties, you can start a referral system, where you ask attendees of your parties if they would like to host their own gold party. Someone will usually be interested in doing this. If you set up your referral system right, you can get a percentage of all the money made at this person’s party as well.

Hosting home gold parties, is certainly one of the top home based business ideas that can bring in some excellent cash whenever you wish.

Author Bio: Best top 10 moneymaking ideas that anyone can do from home. You can use these low cost ideas to bring in some extra cash quick! Click here now: http://besthomeincomeideas.blogspot.com

Category: Business
Keywords: gold,party,parties,sell,money,cash,income,business,home,opportunity,start

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