Home Management – Simple Kitchen Make Over

Sure an interior designer would help and an ample budget could do wonders for a kitchen makeover but for most of us, a little imagination does the same wonders too.

Taking inspiration – One common theme that you will see in your clippings for modern kitchen makeover ideas are that it is bright, spanking clean and has simple lines. While wood as an element in a kitchen makeover gives warmth, they have also become very expensive and are often associated with things of the past. Whatever wood is used are for utilitarian purposes that are mostly done for cabinets and items that cannot be done well with a replacement. Outside of that, kitchen makeovers usually use glass, shiny metal, and well-finished and well-painted concrete.

A word about clean – Countertops are among the dirtiest in the house, dirtier than toilet bowls. What makes cleaning the countertop inefficient is the clutter that is usually on top of it. Decluttering the countertop do wonders to the general appearance of the kitchen. You will be amazed at how your kitchen would look if the counter top is decluttered. If the counter top must be replaced but you cannot afford one, a new laminate instead of a stone countertop is kitchen makeover idea that works every time. The fridge door is the appliance that gets easily cluttered. Modern refrigerator doors are made of shiny metal and have beautiful finishes that removing the magnets and the memos from it will do your kitchen a good modern look.

The Floor – Kitchen floors reflect much of the light. Shiny wooden floors are excellent but if not, choose vinyl or tiles for the kitchen makeover. Choose tiles that are very light in color and with as simple pattern as possible. You will be amazed at the transformation of the kitchen when it is decluttered and the color of the floor is light and shiny.

The power of light – Most kitchens are fixed with ambient lighting and for most people this is enough. However, you could add so much elegance to the kitchen by using accent and task lighting. The ambience of your kitchen is much improved when lights are placed the bottom of your kitchen cabinet or in front of it. Pendant lighting is excellent over kitchen islands. Use CFL lights. You will not only save money on electric bills you will also have a bright happy looking kitchen.

Cabinets and storage – Repainting the cabinets will always give it a fresh clean look. You may also want to replace handles and knobs to get a better look and feel. Knobs are very inexpensive and the selection is so vast that you will always find one that will help your kitchen makeover from drab to sleek.

Appliances – If you must have one, check out appliances pick those whose casings are made from stainless steel and are satin finished.

There are very easy tricks to give your kitchen makeover a good, clean, and up to date look. Sometimes all it takes is a visit to a home center and ideas come up. Home centers are also good places to realize that you actually need something but have not thought of before.

Author Bio: Do you collect antiques? Why not add antique lamp shades to your collection? Low Jeremy latest articles also talks about how to choose these beautiful lamp shades for your room especially how floor lamp shades can give it an unique feel.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: Kitchen makeover, Kitchen makeover tips

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