How Can I Make My Husband Desire Me? 5 Tips

In terms of physical attraction, most marriages begin with a bang. While some couples never really do get things off the ground in terms of their physical relationship, the majority have some sort of an erotic spark between them when they first get together. In fact, the element of mutual physical attraction is one of the most potent motivators for people to make the decision to commit their lives to each other in marriage.

However, most married couples report that the frequency of physical intimacy and their level of attraction for each other tends to decline over time. This can be due to a number of possible reasons, both physical and psychological.

If you are wondering, “How can I make my husband desire me?,” there is no silver bullet that is necessarily going to fix the problem. For example, if your husband has a low sex drive in general, he may have a physical condition called Low T (low testosterone) or he could be chronically depressed.

However, if you believe that your husband has a strong sex drive overall but just not with you, it is high time you examine your relationship to look for clues as to what could be going on. Here are 5 tips that can
help get things in the bedroom with your husband on the right path again:

1. Accept the fact that you cannot directly control what he feels:

It is important to start your journey back to being desired by your husband by admitting to yourself the important truth that nobody – even your husband – can directly control how he feels about anything. That is just not the way emotions work.

2. However, you can learn to fan the flame of his desire – even if you suspect it has gone out:

However, there are likely many things you can do to indirectly influence his feelings. The key to doing this is to home in on the root causes of his perceived lack of desire for you. Unless his problem is physical in nature (see above), it is probably emotional.

3. Avoid nagging him when he forgets to do chores:

In general, men feel sexy when they feel at some level that they are the master of their domain. That does not mean that a man has to dominate you or the household itself. Rather, it just means that he needs to feel he has some level of control over his space – which is his home, his car, his life in general. If you find he is falling down on the job at home, do not nag him. Instead, find positive ways to periodically remind him how needed his work is and how much it is appreciated.

4. At least once per day find a way to reaffirm his value to you and to the household:

Men feel sexy when they feel special, valued and valuable. The way to accomplish making him feel all of these things is through positive affirmations. Avoid sounding like you are just trying to flatter him. Instead, at least once per day tell him sincerely how much you admire and value what he does for you and your family in different ways. Bonus: if you do, he will probably start showing more appreciation for you, as well.

5. Show him that you care about your physical appearance:

Your husband’s desire for you will increase if you can show him in ways little and big that you are taking care of your physical appearance in order to please him. For example, skipping dessert once in a while, going to the gym, and buying yourself inexpensive costume jewelry or lingerie will make him know you are doing your best to look good for him.

Try these 5 tips for making your husband desire you more.

Author Bio: Is your husband’s lack of interest in you due to constant fighting? Get things back on track with expert relationship advice from someone who has saved thousands of marriages at: Fix My Marriage!

Category: Marriage
Keywords: How Can I Make My Husband Desire Me, 5 Tips to turn your husband on

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