How Efficient Freight Transport Helps Fuel an Efficient Economy in Denmark

Denmark is a dynamic economy and has a flourishing freight services sector. Denmark’s economy spans agriculture, assisted by the latest cutting edge technology, and a vibrant and innovative private sector. Well known Danish companies include Bang and Olufsen, Carlsberg, Lego, Dell, Microsoft and Nokia, all leaders in their respective fields and all dependent on a thriving international freight sector to help build their businesses.

There is a high dependence on foreign trade, so shipping companies are essential partners to the private sector manufacturers in Denmark. Denmark is an importer of raw materials, which are then processed and used in manufacturing in Denmark.

Denmark has very few natural resources and its human resources are the lynch pin of the country’s economy, with the service sector making up the majority of employment in Denmark. Denmark produces oil, natural gas, wind and bio-energy. Its principal exports are machinery, instruments and food products. Denmark also has world-leading companies in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, shipping companies and renewable energy. The freight services sector has evolved so as to take account of the particular needs of the Denmark economy.

The Danish economy is characterised by extensive government welfare measures, good living standards and a notably equitable distribution of wealth. In fact, the economy has the distinction of being the most equitable in the world.

As a net exporter of food and energy, the economy has enjoyed a balance of payments surplus for many years. Meanwhile, the budget swung into deficit for the first time for many years in 2009. There was a long consumption-driven period of growth, which came to an end in 2007 at the end of the housing boom. Many shipping companies and others involved in freight services feared that there would be a significant impact on the international freight sector.

Indeed, the global economic slowdown has added to the effect of the housing slowdown as it has depressed demand for exports. As a result of the global crisis, GDP in Denmark fell by 0.9% in 2008 and 4.3% in 2009.

Unemployment has always been low in Denmark but has risen steadily as a result of the economic slowdown. Despite all this, the fiscal position of Denmark remains one of the strongest in the EU and the freight services sector has adapted well to the straitened economic circumstances.

Despite meeting the criteria to join the European Economic and Monetary Union, Denmark has so far opted not to join, although the Danish Krone is pegged to the Euro.

Denmark’s healthy and efficient economy is reflected in the excellent state of the transport infrastructure, which is vital for a freight forwarding sector that functions well.Denmark has the longest combined rail and road bridge in Europe, as well as many other important bridges that enable effective freight forwarding by shipping companies in Denmark.

For example, the Storstrom Bridge between Sjaelland and Falster and the Little Belt Bridge between Fyn and Jutlanddge are just as exemplary as the more famous Oresunde Bridge.

The road system demonstrates excellent engineering and maintenance right across Denmark, so it is a real boost for freight services. Many a shipping company and freight company opt to make full use of the option of road transport.

Not that road is the only freight forwarding option for freight forwarders in Denmark.

The railway system has around 3000 km of track, much of which is being upgraded.

Denmark also has many excellent ports and harbours, of which Copenhagen is the largest.

Kastrup Airport near Copenhagen is the centre of international freight air traffic, but there are also many smaller airports that are used for international freight.

Author Bio: Stephen Willis is Managing Director of RW Freight Services a UK based freight transport company, established in 1971 and operating worldwide freight forwarding services including specialist freight services to and from Denmark

Category: Business
Keywords: Freight services,shipping companies,international freight, freight transport, freight forwarding, freight company, shipping company

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