How the United States to Promote the Brand Economy

Create their own brands by “five Pushing Hands”

As the world’s largest economy, the United States has many well-known brands. According to “Forbes” magazine selected the 2010 date the world’s most valuable brand, the United States, Apple, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, IB M, Google, McDonald’s, General Electric, Marlboro, Intel accounted for the first nine seats, foreign brands only Nokia into the top 10. Regional self-brand, high-tech enterprises has the cradle of the United States — Silicon Valley, auto industry veteran base — Detroit — a symbol of Wall Street and other financial industry.

The United States can not develop without its own brand of vigorous government support. To nurture and protect their own brands, the U.S. government laws and regulations, policies and measures, financial support has taken a series of measures.

Encourage enterprises to create its own brand

Government policies play a leading role, encourage enterprises to create its own brand. Financial crisis, the growing importance the U.S. government to cultivate new economic growth points, new energy is considered the most promising industries. Obama choose to develop new energy sources as of the “crises” to “opportunity” to revitalize the U.S. economy is the main policy instruments in order to rid the U.S. dependence on foreign oil, in the new energy occupied high ground and continue to make the U.S. act as the world economy, “leading sheep. ” U.S. economic stimulus plan, as the main areas of new energy, solar energy is a top priority.

The U.S. government in the next 10 years, 150 billion U.S. dollars into funding alternative energy sources including solar research, provide tax incentives for the related, and efforts to purchase energy efficient products and renewable energy products. Government loan guarantees and other ways to help through the solar energy industry business weather the storm. In addition, the United States Congress passed the “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, the United States” continues in the October 3, 2008 due to 8 years the federal solar investment credit incentives, but also for the solar industry for the development of a sustained policy support.

Encourage businesses to create a regional independent brands

SMEs through industrial clusters to encourage the creation of regional self-brand. Silicon Valley, for example, the course of development in Silicon Valley, especially in early development, government support plays an indispensable role. In 1953, the United States formulated the “Small Business Act” and establish a federal level, the Small Business
Administration for loans guaranteed high-tech SMEs. In 1958 formulated the “Small Investment Law”, allowing small investment companies to the U.S. Small Business Administration to borrow three times their assets, loans, and enjoy low interest rates and tax incentives. 80s of last century, the Government has formulated the “Small Business Innovation Development Act” and “Strengthening of Small Business Development Act” and, according to the proportion of funding available to SMEs. In addition, the Government, through the order form to the Silicon Valley some of the information industry projects the federal subsidies for research and development.

Increase procurement of own brand products

As early as 1933, the federal government promulgated the “Buy American Act” for the Government procurement of goods, priority should be buying American products. Obama introduced in the last year, large-scale economic stimulus bill, to further strengthen this bill’s protectionism, in “Bu Weibei the United States right commitment to international agreements” under the prerequisite that stimulus packages to support the project Xiangmubixu use the “domestic” steel and other manufactured goods.

Intellectual property rights legislation to protect its own brand

To strengthen its own brand in overseas markets intellectual property protection, intellectual property protection in domestic law the United States conducted a number of international extension. To combat a foreign tort, the United States issued a “Special 301”, and amend the “337”, and actively seek protection of intellectual property into the multilateral trading system, such as to the achievement of the World Trade Organization, “Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights” and so on.

Prevent foreign hostile own brand

Foreign Direct Investment as the main means by investment into new cross-border mergers and acquisitions, the U.S. government on foreign acquisition of domestic enterprises to implement stringent corporate approval, focus on cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the protection of their own brands, to prevent foreign companies own brand of hostile takeover. U.S. Foreign Investment Committee is responsible for monitoring and Ping Gu foreign investment Binggou U.S. Qi Ye, Shi Qi on the U.S. national security and domestic Chanye influence level of authorized Xiangguan investigation and, where appropriate reported to the President on the block Waizi M final decision.

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Category: Business Management
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