How to Develop the Action Habit

Bill Gates is a very rich man today because he acted upon an idea he had. So did Michael Dell, Steve Jobs and a host of others who are doing very nicely for themselves today. These are the people who have translated their ideas into action. They do not just dream the dream but take actions to realize it. The world had always rewarded those who get things done and always will.

The inability to take action, has prevented many from reaching their full potential. If you desire success and all the good things life has to offer, you have to be a doer. Don’t wait for the right time and the right condition. The right time is now and the right condition is the present. You must learn to move your spirit and develop the habit of living in the present.

Only by doing can you develop the action habit. You must be able to identify what’s preventing you from taking action and eliminate it. Always keep in mind that knowledge alone is not enough. There is a big difference in knowing what to do and doing what you know. You must learn to face your fears and action is the number one fear buster.

You must unlock and release your inner desires and always get down to business. You must develop the discipline to get to the point. If you desire to be among the top people in your organization, then you must be able to take action without being told.

Here are 7 simple and effective ways you can develop the action habit.

1. Avoid “desperate statements”. If you keep using desperate sounding statements, i.e. “I must do this or else..”, you are actually preparing your mind for a conflict and body responds with “fight or flight” response. This saps your energy and in the long haul you will be burned out. Use positive statements such as, ” I will”, or “I can”, instead.

2. Take the first step. And concentrate on the beginning. Do not let you mind wander too far away from the early stages. Get absorbed in what you are doing, learn to enjoy it rather than looking towards the end result.

3. Do not aim for perfection. Many people start something new only to give up because it is not perfect. The world we live in is not perfect so do not worry about producing perfection.

4. Learn to play more. When you are under pressure, break the monotony and learn to take breaks. It can be a simple solitaire game in your pc or just surfing the net looking for poetry. It does a lot of good to the mind, body and spirit if you can walk away for a little while and come back rather than straining yourself trying to finish what you started.

5. Recognize your fears. When you are about to begin something big in your professional life or personal life, the fear of the unknown can stop you dead at your tracks. It is important that you know your fears. Break them down and analyze them. Never be incapacitated by them.

6. Have a schedule. Write down the deadline to the things you want complete and the goals you want to reach. Start from that date and work in reverse. Have a proper structure and breakdown your tasks to small bits.

7. Never wait for the ideal time. It will never come.

Author Bio: A. Majid is committed to improve himself on a daily basis and help others reach their potential. For more self help resources, visit Self Help 101.

Category: Advice
Keywords: action, develop, habit

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