How To Increase Your Height Naturally

Most people if given the opportunity will naturally want to increase their height and grow taller. This is especially so for adults who are over their supposedly growing age. Many people are skeptical about being able to increase their height after puberty, however, unknown to them, increasing ones height by a few inches is possible and has been achieved for many people who are willing to give it a try instead of just closing out their minds.

It is a fact that height is a very important attribute for most people, especially for men since many studies have shown that taller people tends to have better social status and respect and are more successful in their careers and relationships. Unfair as it may be, it is a fact.

So what can be done for people who want to increase their height? Well, there are many ways to increase an inch or two vertically, but it all basically boils down to the right exercises, stretches and nutrition. Having a good balanced diet combined with the right stretching exercises can help you to maximize your height gain potential and grow beyond what your maximum height is at the moment.

So let’s begin with having a good time playing some sports. There are several ways you can induce your body to produce human growth hormone naturally, a key hormone for height increase regardless of your age. Take up exercises such as sprinting, weight lifting, swimming, cycling, playing basketball or soccer, all of which are known to be effective in increasing growth hormone production in our bodies.

However, the favorite workout for growing taller is swimming as this exercise not only increases our growth hormone production, it also encompasses many stretching movements which further encourages height increases. So if you want to become taller and have a well toned body of a swimmer, then take up swimming as a sport or recreational hobby.

If you are adamant on increasing your height naturally, then you must find out the right stretching exercises to stretch your muscles and your spine. Anyone can do this in the comfort of your own home unless you have some medical conditions which restrict your movements.

Some of the stretches that can help people to grow taller are bridges, hamstring stretches, hanging and the cobra amongst many more. Furthermore, some people swear that inversion tables not only straighten out their spine, but are able to give them an extra inch or two vertically because using inversion tables can help to release tension between the discs and vertebrae in the lumbar and cervical spine.

What you eat, and that is your nutrition also plays a very big role in helping you to grow taller. Consume more of foods enriched with calcium, iron, zinc, copper and magnesium. Adequate consumption of proteins, vitamins and minerals are essential for the development of your body and its good health. So make sure that you get sufficient of them.

You may also like to supplement your diet with natural supplements such as testosterone releasers for men and human growth hormone releasers for both genders. They are not hormones per se, but are herbs in pill forms to encourage your body to produce more of these hormones to help you to grow taller and thus increase your height naturally.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at How To Be Taller and How To Have Swimmers Body

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: grow tall, increase height, swimming, human growth hormones, testosterone, how to

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