How to Loose Weight – Fast

The old saying ” A moment on the lips can mean a lifetime on the Hips ” has proven to be true by scientific research. Even short term bingeing on fast food can lead the body to long term weight gain.

It is possible that many people feel that it is possible to put weight on fast but just as fast to loose it again – oh if that were true!

Some pizza burgers it has been found can contain upto 2500 calories.

That is a huge intake in just one fast food product.

So how can you loose weight – fast and for the long term ?

1. Manage your food intake – sounds simple, but by reducing the size of your portions little by little your stomach becomes used to less food. Certain food types help to make you feel a little fuller, so try these ( as long as they are not high calorie drinks etc ). Diet is not just about cutting out food all together, good results can be achieved by reduction also.

2. Eat healthier – make a really effort to change your diet patterns, the results will amaze you. Healthy eating need not be endless salads and boring veggies.These days there are some great cook books and recipies to make your mouth water without being stuffed with rabbit food!

3. Regular exercise – burning the calories is the only way to go. If like most people you are not happy going to the gym , why not try just using the car less and walk to buy your newspaper for example can really help. Exercise does not have to mean a 3 mile walk or an hours workout in the gym – simple changes to your lifestyle can give you good results. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator when you go shopping or to work, take a walk to see your friends rather than drive round, walk the kids to school.

Start thinking of some routines you can change, don’t go for them all at once, but build up your regieme changes over time.

Make exercise fun it won’t seem half as bad then.

4. Good Routines – Your life routine is important to your weight, you need to manage your daily routines to maximise your weight loss. It has been said that you eat like a king in the morning and eat like a beggar in the evening – this is very true. Your body then has time to burn off the calories through out the day – word of warning though don’t use this as an excuse to eat badly at breakfast.

You need to examine each area of your daily routine and see if you can make healthier changes or options – instead of watching daytime TV for three hours – cut it down to 2 and do something active with the time saved – like a walk to the park.

5. Discipline – You only get out what you put in! If you want to loose weight fast you will need to commit to some serious life changes. Only commit to what you can achieve on a regular basis, otherwise you will just become dissatisfied and go back to your old ways.

Self discipline is important but try to get the help and support of your family and friends. Their support will be vital in your quest to loose that weight !

Author Bio: We all sometimes need a little help to get those extra pounds off, especially if we dont like to execise at the gym , learn how you can loose weight fast now by visiting http://LOOSINGWEIGHTFASTONLINE.COM You will feel the difference fast !

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weightloss,loosingweight,losingweightfast,diet,dieting,fastweightloss,fastwrokingdiets,loseweightnow

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