How to Start Conversation With Anyone

Starting a conversation with someone whom you had not been introduces can be a daunting task. Most of us are tongue-tied when it comes to striking up a conversation with a stranger. Why is it so?

We fear rejection. We fear of being snubbed. Our ego is at stake. We are self conscious, or just timid to say hello and start a conversation with people we don’t know. We do not know what to say and worry people will judge us, or we worry once we said hello, we don’t have anything else to say.

Starting a conversation with strangers can be rewarding. To start a conversation with anyone, we first must stop worrying about ourselves too much. Remember that the other person is just as worried about how he or she will appear in your eyes. And if you take the initiative to say hello and introduce yourself, then if you had already made a wonderful first impression.

This is the 21st century and anyone, regardless of age, race and sex can start a conversation with anyone else. And the best way to start doing this is to follow and well known ad, just do it. Practice and more practice will slowly but surely make you an expert in striking a conversation with just about anyone.

Of course now and then, the other person might not talk back, but you should not be worried about this. When once in a while when you do encounter stone dead silence after taking the initiative to talk, just move on. Your ego takes a hit and that is good, it helps to keep you grounded. It improves your social skills, after all success is built on failures.

After saying hello and introducing yourself, you can use the 10 topics as listed in Frank Tibolt’s A Touch of Greatness to hold a meaningful conversation.

The 10 topics are the 9 alphabets of the word WONDERFUL.

W – Weather. This is the easiest topic to start a conversation and today with all the publicity about weather change and global warming, there are a lot of issues that can be touched upon. If you are worried that this topic can be controversial, then stay on the surface and just talk about the weather. You can go a bit deeper bringing up about the snow storm or other major catastrophe caused by the weather.

O – Occupation or work. This is one topic that you can be sure you will get a response, even if that person is a secret spy in which he or she will still have a fake job that they will describe. Most people aren’t and you can be almost certain the other person will have a thing or two to say about their jobs, after we spend most of our time working.

N – News. Everybody is interested in news. Know the latest happenings. In today’s information age, getting the latest news is one of the easiest things to do.

D – Dining. One of the three things that attract the attention of anyone belonging to the human species our is food. It is a built-in survival mechanism that was fine tuned during the days our forefathers roamed the plains of east Africa. Many interesting and long conversation can be held by this one topic along.

E – Entertainment. There a lot of sub-topics under this topic. You can start talking about movies or a new album or the latest song.

R- Radio and TV. You probably listened to the radio while you were driving or waiting in the subway. Try to recollect what you heard and start talking about it. The same goes with the television.

F- Family. This is another topic people are interested in. And you might even find out that you are related to your new friend.

U- Uplift. This is an unspoken message. You can silently wish the other person well and project feel good vibes from yourself. Once dismissed as pseudo-science, the aura within us is proved real and study upon studies has revealed that people can feel what we think of them.

L- Location. You can start to talk the place you live or the location you go to work. You can also hold a conversation by talking about holiday destinations, your preferred mode of travel and so on.

The 10 topics listed above should supply you with endless fodder for starting a conversation but you must first let yourself go and say hello to the other person.

Author Bio: A. Majid is interested in making the best out of himself and believes in helping achieve theirs. Visit Self Help 101 for more self help articles and resources

Category: Advice
Keywords: conversation, talk,talking,

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