How to Stop an Emotional Affair – 3 Tips for the Cheater & 3 Tips for the Injured

By now you have heard of the concept of the emotional affair. Basically, this is where one member of a committed relationship has formed a deep, romantic emotional attachment to someone outside of the relationship. And, the attachment runs both ways.

However, with an emotional affair, there is no sex. At least not yet. Things have not evolved to where there is a physical relationship between the two people – and they may never do so. Still, there is always that potential.

Here are 3 tips each for how to stop an emotional affair, both for the cheating person and for the injured person.

If you would like to understand how to stop an emotional affair and you are the cheating person, here are 3 tips:

1. Recognize the harm you are causing at least three people:

By allowing the affair to continue, you are actually hurting a minimum of three people: yourself, your partner, and the outside person with whom you are having the affair. Of course, if you have kids together and/or if the outside person is also in another committed relationship, that just adds up to more injured people. The first step in ending this affair – no matter how deeply you feel for the outside person – is to really feel in your heart how much you are hurting all those people by allowing it to continue.

2. Get in touch with the pain of your spouse or partner if they were to find out:

More specifically, think for a moment about the pain your spouse or partner would feel if they were to find out about what you are doing – or the pain you are already causing them if they suspect something is up.

3. Commit to yourself that you will seek help to end your affair and get on with your life:

Next, you need to commit to yourself in your own heart that you can and will seek outside assistance to help you stop your affair for good.

If you would like to understand how to stop an emotional affair and you are the injured party, here are 3 tips:

1. Get your spouse or partner to admit the affair and agree to end it:

The first thing your partner needs to do is to admit that this affair really is happening. Denial can be a tricky thing, and many people are very much in the habit of denying the reality of their affairs. You must get them to not only admit it, but to agree to end it.

2. Let them know that the only way to possibly heal your relationship is to recognize the nightmare they have put you through:

Once they have ended the affair, the healing process can begin. The first step in healing is to get all of the feelings about the infidelity out on the table. You will only be able to grow together again as a couple if you can open your hearts up to each other again. This will be the most painful, but also the most healing, part of the path toward wholeness in your relationship. Take it slow and steady.

3. Commit to finding ways to heal each of your wounds in order to transcend this experience and grow closer together:

Finally, both of you need to commit to doing whatever it takes to see the path toward healing through to its end. You will need to agree that you cannot move past this until your wounds – the ones both of you have – can be healed.

Follow these tips to stop, survive and ultimately get past an emotional affair.

Author Bio: Find tools and techniques needed to overcome an emotional affair that were designed by an expert who has helped over 10,000 couples do the same at: Find the Love Again.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: how to stop an emotional affair, stop his emotional affair, stop her emotional affair, infidelity

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