Invited to a Party? – Hosting a Party?

There are basic behaviors expected of the ideal guest regardless of the nature of the party. First, be punctual. Arriving early can interfere with the host’s last minute preparations. Arriving late can be awkward, especially if it is a dinner party.

Second, the best gift you can bring your host is yourself and your conversation. I recommend that you do not bring flowers or food, unless, of course, it’s a potluck! That admonition includes chocolates or desserts! If you feel you must bring something, consider a good bottle of wine, one that you enjoy yourself. Just don’t expect your host to serve it. It is a gift and as such, need not be shared with others in attendance.

Third, be a good conversationalist, which often means being a good listener. It’s a fact that people like people who show a sincere interest in what they think and in what they have to say. It is a form of flattery to be attentive. That is not to say that you must remain silent. Keep your conversation light and brief and be respectful. Don’t attempt to dominate the conversation and wind up being a bore! Its conversation, not a contest, so suppress those Type A urges.

Fourth, compliment the host on the food, refreshments, hors d’

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