Is a Sheepskin Rug Right For My Home?

There is a problem with the design world, and its one that is actually shared with the fashion world – it is the fact that things change so quickly that it’s hard to know what is “in” and what is “out” on any given day. This is no big deal for people who live to redecorate their homes constantly, but it can actually be a huge problem for those who are unable, or unwilling, to constantly redecorate. For these people, decisions about things such as rugs and curtains are ones that are going to last for a very long time. That can only complicate matters further if you’re trying to decide on the right design scheme.

Sheepskin Rugs

One type of rug that has been largely been forgotten about is sheepskin. Many years ago these rugs were a staple in many homes, and could be found easily and inexpensively. Then they began to be looked at as old fashioned, and they fell out of favor. Now, however, they’re back and are becoming extremely popular once again due to the soft, luxurious nature that a sheepskin rug brings to a room and thanks to the many different colors and designs that they can be made in, thanks to the new technology available now that wasn’t available many years ago.

But Is it Right for Me?

In order to figure out if a sheepskin rug is right for your home, you first need to decide if you have a good place for one. Traditionally, sheepskin rugs are placed in a special spot in the home, where they are to be admired and used. This is why the idea of having it in front of a roaring fireplace seems so classic, because generally there is a good open area in front of a fireplace that is perfect for a sheepskin rug. All too often people purchase sheepskin rugs without having a great spot picked out for one, and this may mean you end up putting it in a spot where no one can see it.

Before you purchase a sheepskin rug, make sure you have a spot picked out for one. You can even go non-traditional and use it to accent a chair or couch. By throwing a smaller sheepskin rug over the edge of a couch or a chair you are calling attention to that piece of furniture and you are giving it a feeling of warmth that it may not have had before. This is a great way to use a sheepskin rug that you have already purchased but that you do not have a spot picked out for.
Also, make sure that you are careful about what color you choose to purchase. White sheepskin rugs are beautiful, but it’s not hard to make a mess very quickly. If you’ve got children in your home, or animals, you may want to go with a darker color so that you do not have to clean the rug as often.

Author Bio: Simon Tuft is the marketing manager of Rug House a leading supplier of Modern Wool Rugs. Check out the stunning new collection of high quality Sheepskin Rugs. For sumptuous luxury and excellent customer service to match visit

Category: Home Management
Keywords: natural sheepskin rugs, sheepskin rug, sheepskins, sheepskin rugs,large sheepskin rugs

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