Japan’s Economic Recovery Experienced Ups and Downs

Japan’s economic recovery in case of Canton in China to become world’s second largest economy

Cabinet Office on August 16 released preliminary data show that removing price changes and to a seasonally adjusted basis, Japan’s second-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) rose 0.1% Central, 0.4% annual rate of growth, which is Japan 3 quarter economic growth rate has been minimal, far below market expectations of 2.3% annual increase. In dollar terms, the second quarter, real GDP in Japan for the 1.2883 trillion U.S. dollars, lower than China’s previously announced second quarter real GDP of 1.3369 trillion U.S. dollars, Japan’s economic output has lagged behind in China, let out the world’s second largest economy in the world.

On the same day, the Japanese Minister of Economy and Finance Satoshi Arai said that despite the signs of economic growth has slowed, but the introduction of new stimulus measures still too early to say. Then position the Prime Minister Naoto Kan said he would pay close attention to Japan’s GDP data, including exchange rates.

Analysts believe that, in Japan the second-quarter economic data showed that the recovery of its economy extremely fragile, Er continued strength of the yen threatens Japan’s exports expanding the circumstances, Japan’s economic recovery Keneng be difficult in recent years the self-Wei Chi.

By the weak GDP data, the impact of the Tokyo stock market Nikkei 225 index opened on the 16th setback in nearly 2% to 9096 points, once approaching the year 9066 the lowest point since the wake of Prime Minister of Japan and the Japanese central bank will this week on the day Yuan held the news meeting, the yen exchange rate fell blocked the Nikkei 225 Index immediately narrowed decline and eventually closed down 0.61%, closing at 9196.67 points.

As at Beijing at 22:00 on the on the 16th, the U.S. dollar against the yen exchange rate of

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