Jazz Up Your WordPress Site – Install a New Theme

If you have installed WordPress for your business or personal website, I expect that you will want to make it look more interesting as the default theme is very boring. You can take this opportunity to make a statement and imprint your own personality onto your site! I expect that you will enjoy this process very much, as I always do, and it brings a sense of real pleasure when you see the end result.

Prior to choosing a theme template, you must decide if you will be putting ads on the site and if you do, where do you want them to be. When your site is set up completely, you will also have some necessary information about the site, for instance, page names, categories, a search box, a list of archived posts, etc., which means usually, a nice, tidy listing of them, all together in one place (as a rule down one side).

If you plan to have ads as well, you can either put them above all the ‘utilities’, (a lot of people won’t scroll down, so if you wish people to see your ads, they need to be in direct line of sight when a visitor first lands on your page). In this case you would want a 2-column theme, or if you want to give the ads a space of their own, this will mean, probably, a 3-column theme.

There are different views about whether you should place ads on your site at all. Some people feel they are a distraction and can cause your visitor to click off your site and perhaps never come back. Other people think they have the potential to be a good way of earning some extra income. With regard to promoting products or services that you use yourself and can recommend, you could consider having a page specially set up for them.

The next thing to think about is the theme’s text box color. A theme that has a dark colored text box can make reading difficult. On the other hand many of the dark-coloured themes have real pizzazz!
Some themes won’t let you schedule your posts, so you need to be aware of this when selecting your theme.

Changing the Theme from within WordPress –

Click on the ‘Appearance’ tab, then ‘Themes’, then select ‘Add New Theme’. The next page will give you all sorts of options using which you can narrow the field in your search for a theme. I personally like to run quickly through them all and make a list of the ones I particularly prefer (name and page #), then eliminate until I have the one I like best of all. I think it is a good idea, also to check out the Details of each of them to see how well they have been rated; I figure that the more stars they have probably the less trouble people have had with them, and I don’t want trouble!

After you have selected your new theme, click on ‘Install’. When your new theme has been installed, you must click on the ‘Activate’link.
You can change your theme another way, too, but you must upload the files to do it. Installing your theme from inside WordPress is certainly the easiest and most simple method of changing the aesthetics of your site.

Installing Your Theme from Another Site –

You can get WordPress themes, for free or for a price, from various sites, and there are thousands of themes to choose from. Do a quick search on your browser and see the results that you get! Once you have selected the theme you want, you will download it, unzip it and save it to an easy-to-find, easy-to-access location on your hard drive.

You will need a File Transfer Protocol manager This is a program that allows you to upload files to your domain hosting account. Filezilla is available, free, from its website: http://www.filezilla-project.org

To log in, type your domain name into the ‘Host’ section on Filezilla, then use your cPanel Username and Password. Hit ‘Quickconnect’.

You will need to locate the folder which has your theme in it, on the left-hand side of the screen, then you have to shift the whole folder over onto the right-hand side, which is your hosting account. This is how to do it:

Click on the WWW folder, then double click on the folder for your site (it will have the domain name you chose for your new site.

Now double click on the wp-content folder – once that has opened, double click on the ‘themes’ folder. This is where you are going to drag your new theme to, from the left side of the screen. The contents of your hard drive shows on the left side of the screen, while the right side makes your hosting account available at the same time, so your new theme is being dragged from your hard drive to your hosting so that it is accessible to your WordPress website.

If your theme upload has been done correctly, when you log in to your WordPress Admin area your new theme should appear when you click on the ‘Appearances’ tab and choose ‘Themes’.

You can see a screenshot of how your new theme will look by clicking on it. Once you click on ‘Activate Theme’ you are finished.

Congratulations, you have just installed a new theme on your WordPress site!

Author Bio: You will find loads of information on how to set yourself up for success as an internet marketer at Voiceover.ValerieEldridge.com, a blog by Valerie Eldridge. You can also meet Valerie on her business website, www.valerieeldridge.com

Category: Internet
Keywords: web page design templates,web page design tools,install new wordpress theme, wordpress styles,instal

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