Know What You Eat and Assimilate – For Your Health

Laboratory studies show that pesticides can cause health problems, such as birth defects, nerve damage, cancer and other effects that might occur by means of a long period of time. Pesticides enter our body by means of various forms. Going organic has a price to pay – organic foods are costlier than others but not going organic has a higher cost to pay ( your health).

Going back to those labels, look for strawberry syrups with no real strawberries (red dye and artificial flavor ) or juice boxes with little real fruit juice in them . it is awesome what scientists can make by combining artificial flavors, scents, and textures. It’s awesome, but it’s not food! The reality is: it pays to educate yourself on how to read a label. This is our first step to a healthy lifestyle.

If you drink organic juices, read the labels to make sure the juice has been pasteurized. Some pathogens, such as E. coli, can live in non pasteurized juices. Those pathogens have been known to cause illness and even death in small children or adults with compromised immune systems. Pasteurization kills adverse bacteria and is an accepted safe food practice in the organic and non-organic industry.

Chewing is the first and notably important stage of digestion. Your stomach does not have any teeth! With aging, and difficulties like gastritis, stomach-acid production is also decreased. Without these natural digestive aids, absorption of nutrients by means of our gut walls and into the bloodstream is greatly decreased. Therefore crucial nutrients needed for tissue fix and cellular regeneration can once in a while enter the body and is excreted undigested.

Absorption normally takes place in the small intestine, but as we age enzymes produced by the pancreas (which helps to further break down sugars, proteins and fats) are also decreased. As the pace of modern life increases, more and more people, even young people, suffer varying degrees of absorption difficulties. Stress further has a negative final result on the digestive process as it reduces absorption by shutting down enzyme production.

Symptoms of mal-absorption include low energy levels, chronic fatigue, weight loss or gain, poor bone density, dry and wrinkled skin, and dry nails. If you get your digestive system in good working order, a huge amount of health problems could be avoided. Reduce your intake of red meats and heavy, rich meals if you have mal-absorption. Concentrated proteins and fats, such as red meat and cheese, are harder to digest as they require more work as well as oxygen to break them down literally. Croissants, burgers, fried foods excessive high-sugar foods and full-fats dairy produce may be avoided too. Prevail away from drinking too much fluid with meals, which dilutes the abdomen acid-the substance you need for digesting your meal.

Raw, steamed or lightly cooked foods retain more enzymes which aid digestion, Papaya is rich in papain, which aids in the breakdown of foods in the abdomen and small intestine. It is best eaten before a main meal. Rice, corn, buckwheat or millet-based pastas are further easier to digest. If you have a problem with cow’s milk, rice, almond, oat or goat’s milk may be taken, these are gentler on the abdomen. A glass of red wine can help to stimulate stomach-acid production. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a little water taken before main meals can further help increase stomach-acid production.

Eating late at night places an extra burden on the digestive system. Chew thoroughly, and as much as possible eat sitting down in a relaxed frame of mind. Not systematically easy, but this simple act really aids digestion. Prevail away from eating for about an hour after rigorous exercise. Don’t eat large meals when you are stressed. Keep your meals small and light and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Author Bio: Alpha Best Solar Panels – Visit our website and get a book on general health by Dr Iqbal absolutely FREE Dr.Iqbal is a medical doctor,trained in Western and Natural Medicine. You can also visit our beauty and health care site

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: health, diet, mal-absorbtion, digestion, pesticides, organic foods, food labels, healthy lifestyle,

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