Learning the Context of Reversal Vasectomy

Vasectomy reversal is a very sensitive topic for discussion. This could mean hope or failure for couples. Here is some information about the vasectomy reversal that you can use to make an informed decision.

Could you really reverse vasectomy?

The goal of the vasectomy surgery is to cut the ends of the vas deferens and then clamp the ends to avoid the sperm from flowing during ejaculation. The goal of the surgery is to avoid the sperm from flowing and being expelled during ejaculation. The reversal vasectomy literally reverses what the vasectomy operation has done. The reversal vasectomy reconnects the severed ends of the vas deferens in an attempt to reestablish sperm flow. The sperm will flow through the semen from the epididymis to the male prostate glands.

Although this procedure is very promising, it does not deliver high rate of success. Other factors such as age, time, and skill of the surgeon performing the vasectomy as well as the reversal surgery greatly affect the success rate and your chance of having a child the natural way. The less complicated will be the procedure of your surgery, the higher would be your success.


This is the simplest reversal procedure. The doctor will attempt to perform this procedure only when there are no other complications. The ends of the vas deferens are simply reconnected to establish the sperm passage.


This procedure is an option when you have developed scar tissues and that the doctor found some presence of blockage that prevents the sperm from flowing smoothly. This usually happens even after the vas deferens has been reconnected. The doctor will usually decide to connect the vas deferens to the epididymis. In this procedure, the doctor does not attempt to solve the issue of the blockage anymore but bypass the blockage by deciding on having another method for connecting a passage for the sperm flow. This condition is common to men who had their vasectomy for about ten years or maybe more.

Determining the type of reversal vasectomy procedure for you

This decision is only possible during the course of the surgery. The extent of the blockage cannot be determined without the surgery. A hardened epididymis is one hint that you have a blockage. The best way to avoid problems about scar tissues and blockages is to have the reversal as soon as you decide.

On the day of surgery

The doctor will usually perform full examination and have a thorough discussion about the benefits as well as the consequences of the surgery including the cost. The doctor will request that you come an hour earlier on the day of the surgery. In case you still have questions and doubts, the support staff will have time to answer your questions and clear your fears.

During the surgery

The doctor will give you either a local or a general anesthesia. Usually, the doctor will let you choose the type of anesthesia you want for your comfort. The effects of the local anesthesia will be gone in a few hours. You will be able to drive back home after the surgery.

After the surgery

There is a postoperative care for you. The doctor will prescribe you pain relievers as well as a list of things that you can and cannot do. The list will be very detailed because you really need to follow them. The first month after the surgery is very critical to regain back your health.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a Website Marketing consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading blog about Reversing Vasectomy blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility, men\’s health

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