Microsoft May Use Legal Means to Defeat the Zombie Network Operators

In the court’s support, through the clever use of Civil Procedure, Microsoft is expected to victory Waledac zombie network operators, and to reverse the illegal online operators methods.
A winner of the lawsuit

Fuji Li Georgia federal court where a judge is expected to recommend within a few days trial Microsoft sue Waledac operators to make the absence of a judge ruling the case, Microsoft senior attorney Richard Boscovich said Wednesday. This means that the command and control server for Waledac command-and-control servers, many infected computers to send orders of 276 domain will be confiscated by Microsoft, which is closed to the public interest of effective means of botnets.

What distinguishes this case is the first time Microsoft has enabled the “unilateral review process” . This procedure allows the court in the domain name owner without the presence of the verdict. Generally speaking, if the judge provided to the registered domain owner of the court the right to defense, can not disclose information such as domain name ownership. However, because Waledac domain name registration in accordance with the court who refused to print on the network and appear in the published notice requirements, and because Microsoft has succeeded in persuading the court to close the domain name in the public interest, the court intended to start the review process to deal with the case of unilateral, Bos Covic said.

The magistrate in the court hinted last Friday that he would oversee the case to federal District Judge Leonie – Bulinkema proposal to give Microsoft ownership of these domain names. “If the U.S. Federal District Court agreed with the judge’s recommendation, the case goes into default judgment procedures, this way we have a winner of the.” Boscovich said.

Microsoft first use “unilateral review process”

Zombie website operators use a pseudonym in the majority of domain names registered in China, they obviously have to know what happened, Boscovich said. According to detection, specialized in Microsoft lawsuit set up this website, frequently landing a large number of unauthorized requests, Microsoft may be Waledac suspected as carriers. In addition, a Microsoft partner companies serving a network of researchers also received threats, Boscovich that Waledac operators should be responsible, but he declined to serve the researchers and the company’s name. “They received a court summons, but they chose not to appear in court because they know very well these domain names are used for illegal purposes, that zombie site management.” He said.

Microsoft asked the court to rely on unilateral review process issued a temporary restraining order, the Court quickly granted the approval on Tuesday. This restraining order, without prior notice to the case of domain name registrants, the temporary closure of these Waledac domain.

“This is the first application of a temporary restraining order unilateral review of issues dealing with botnets.” Boscovich said, “This is our first successful show to the court for zombie sites, as zombies will continue to harm the public interest website, through unilateral award review process to quickly change this situation, the court need to review procedures by unilaterally. ”

This litigation strategy was a proof of concept approach, other companies in the future can also use this method to deal with botnets and other illegal online operators. “There is no doubt that this completely changed the line to deal with unscrupulous operators, ways and means.” Boscovich said.

Waledac zombie network of more than 100,000 computers infected

Microsoft as a financially-sound company, which had been repeatedly by the courts to combat fake anti-virus ads, adware, spam, phishing instant messaging , junk e-mail, so it has the ability to persuade the courts to demand that the U.S. information infrastructure intelligence Facilities Services verisign to request access Waledac domain name directly to Microsoft’s specialism website which Rang Microsoft to identify the infected computer’s IP address, and with individual countries and the computer network service providers co-Ying Ji response teams, Tixingzhexie computer users pay attention to this issue, Boscovich said.

Computers infected with malicious code means typically includes clicking a malicious link or open e-mail with a Trojan horse, these Trojans will be automatically installed in the victim’s computer, so that criminals take advantage and use them to command the computer to send spam.

Microsoft is leading the B49 Operation Panel, and researchers with industry and other companies, can interfere with Waledac peer botnets communication. Infected computer, the command and control server connection is not the case, it is through this reciprocal communication to send commands directly to each other.

Microsoft Wednesday said in his blog post, Waledac zombie site 1.5 billion a day to send spam. As of August 30 More than 58,000 IP addresses are infected. It is estimated that the number of infected computers may have more than 100,000 units.

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