Much Trouble Siege Hewlett-Packard

A month ago, when Hewlett-Packard CEO Mark Hurd announced the departure time of any statement, also announced a second quarter results are expected and the company and the legal agreement between Hart, trying to quickly and thoroughly with the deep settlement of sexual harassment and financial scandals of the latter “a clean break.”

A month later, HP has had every possible way to the California Court of Justice said Ming Hede the company’s business in the past five years, “countless” link, asking the judge to stop this business well known to the Hurd on HP, switch to the industry rival Oracle Co-President and as a director.

Oracle on HP because of the appointment of Hart fret; but in this case, the bribery case of HP in Russia have also been the expansion of the U.S. regulators investigate. Although the industry “hundreds of battles,” but HP really more trouble recently.

Hart is co-Oracle “appetite”

Oracle on Hart’s “feelings of admiration,” did not begin early in September’s “whim.” As early as August 6 Hurd HP announced departure date, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison had already publicly criticized the behavior of HP’s board of directors; that “this does not meet Hewlett-Packard employees, shareholders, customers and partners the best interests.”

Although this expression of attitude is not a “public flirting” category, but also be called “make eyes.” Unfortunately, family Tai Yip HP Gong Si Que and Mo You right Cileiweiguan trends Baochigaodu alert, but only focus on two things: the selection of Xin Jing Xin Dong Shihui CEO, and Yu Hart Kuaisu “breaking up” prayer Company Gu Jia Hou bottomed.

After a whole month, while HP’s share price barely rose to the level of early August; but not decisive Oracle announced the appointment of Hart as co-president and director of the company’s stock has thus been favored by investors, last week’s stock rose 9.34%, or platform in the S & P 500 index of all listed companies ranked second place.

In fact, Oracle hopes to join Hart is not surprising: on the one hand, Hurd at HP, “at the helm,” five years, led the company to escape, “Death Board” and created a soaring performance of HP’s “big”, now HP has not only become the world’s largest personal computer makers and server system vendors, is also measured by revenue the largest technology companies.

On the other hand, Oracle through a series of acquisitions in recent years expanded its product portfolio: in January this year, with 7.4 billion acquisition of hardware vendors Sun Microsystems, for the first time into the server and storage systems business. In short, the future of Oracle and Hewlett-Packard will be the most competitive technology business, and He Deqia Fortunately, experience in this regard. From this perspective, Hart exact Oracle’s “appetite.”

Hewlett-Packard not to prosecute the odds

Because of this, HP Oracle announced the appointment of Robert Hart the next day for an appointment to the California courts. HP said the prosecution is for the protection of critical information, “Hurd in his new position, if not used or disclosed to others, HP’s trade secrets or other confidential information, Oracle will be difficult to fulfill the responsibilities.”

For HP’s rhetoric, Ellison said Oracle has been regarded as an important partner Hewlett-Packard, HP Board of Directors initiate such retaliatory action is to ignore the partnership between the two companies. The U.S. business community and the legal profession is more concerned about the suit conclusion gist and prospects, Ren Wei Jiang yes with Xingye it, especially that segment Lingyuzhongduo, on a high technical level of the IT industry Yilai high Rencaineibu flow of Jingdian case.

Business people pointed out that past cases of the normal review process proceedings, the HP and Hurd in the “break up” non-competition agreement entered into before the availability of a greater impact on the decision. Hart in early August to get the severance agreement did not include non-competition clause; but HP said in the lawsuit, Hart had signed an agreement with Hewlett-Packard, which said the latter against the former trade secret provisions.

But the legal profession think that HP would be difficult to win the lawsuit. Stanford Law School professor intellectual property law, said Hurd at HP’s severance regardless of whether the agreement, including non-competition clause, the California Court would not support such an agreement, HP needed to provide conclusive evidence to prove Ming He Germany does have to reveal trade secrets of Oracle’s motivation, otherwise unspeakable odds.

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