Myths About Protecting Your Home

Far too many homeowners put off installing door and window alarms, surveillance cameras, and other home security devices because they don’t think they need to. The fact is, today there are home security options for any home and any budget. You have no excuse not to protect your home and your family! Here are the most prevalent myths when it comes to protecting your home:

1. Only homeowners in wealthy neighborhoods need to use these devices. When it comes down to it, any home is vulnerable to a break-in, whether you live in a bad neighborhood or a gated community. Effective security devices like door and window alarms or dummy cameras will protect any home.

2. You don’t have anything worth protecting. While you may not have a big-screen TV, you probably do have a few nice pieces of jewelry upstairs in your bedroom, a computer in the living room, and expensive tools in the garage. Plus, many of today’s criminals are after more than your belongings – they will go through your papers in an attempt to steal your identity. The truth is, any home has something of value to criminals.

3. Home alarm systems are expensive and a waste of money. While whole-house alarm systems can be pricy depending on the size and layout of your home, there are plenty of other options for protecting your home. Setting up such security in your home doesn’t have to be expensive, making it a great option even for those who don’t have a mansion to protect. Door and window alarms, dummy surveillance cameras, and other devices can be installed for well under $100. These devices don’t require paying a monthly fee to an alarm company. Plus, think about the risk of not protecting your home – is having to replace all of your belongings really worth skimping on home security? Your security should never be measured in terms of money.

4. An alarm system will constantly be set off accidentally. While this may have been common years ago, today’s sophisticated systems can tell the difference between a real threat and your pet cat. Even motion detector alarms are available in pet-friendly models so that you can avoid accidentally setting it off.

5. Security devices are hard to install, and require special knowledge and tools. In fact, today’s wireless alarms and cameras are easier than ever to install. There are no wires to run, and no holes to cut in your wall. DIY enthusiasts will find it easy to install wireless home security features. Improving your home security is a great weekend project!

6. A blaring alarm won’t be enough to scare away a criminal. While most people have become accustomed to car alarms blaring in the night, the fact is, such sirens are still effective. No criminal wants to be caught, whether breaking into a home or trying to steal a car. In fact, putting up signs that say your home is protected by alarms has been shown to deter criminals even when no such system was actually installed. Criminals won’t take the chance of being caught on your property, and would rather break into an unprotected home.

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Category: Home Management

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