National Attention to China as the World’s Second Largest Economy

China overtake Japan in economic size that it can maintain a long-term advantage. However, as measured by per capita income, China has yet to label out of emerging economies. The position of the Chinese economy means that it must take to enhance greater international responsibilities, with the trade frictions between the United States and Europe may therefore increase. Law economists claimed that China’s economic development is still dependent on the industrialized countries, only the United States can make the collapse of the Chinese economy in the world to play a commanding role.

American “Newsweek” Web site on August 16 in a signed article that China has now risen to the world’s second largest economy in Europe and the U.S. response would be felt more strongly the trade imbalance. Japan’s economy has long been neck and neck, but China’s neighboring countries beyond its highly industrialized, the world’s second largest economy sends a strong signal. Executive director of Economic Outlook Group, Bernard Baumol said: “China can no longer be called emerging economies, it must assume greater international responsibility. China must guarantee fair.”

Monday the latest data from the Tokyo show, the name of the Japanese economy in the second quarter GDP was 1.28 trillion U.S. dollars, China’s GDP was 1.33 trillion U.S. dollars, for the first time ahead of Japan.

Although the difference is not large, this milestone will surpass the United States have a substantial influence to demand that China improve its trade imbalance.

This year in July, China’s trade surplus was 287 million; contrast, the U.S. trade deficit reached 49.9 billion U.S. dollars.

Canada’s “Globe and Mail” website on August 16 the article says, China surpassed Japan to become the second quarter of the world’s second largest economy, people were expecting this, especially given Japan’s long-term economic weakness and not very optimistic about the prospects for prediction.

But the new position on the global economy should not be taken lightly symbolic significance. Once isolated China has been eager to restore the country’s ancient role as a major economic power status. No other emerging countries in such a short period of time received such a large range of global influence.

Since most developed countries in 2007 into the Great Depression, the worst economic recession since the export-driven Chinese economy into the global economic recovery of the light, as a powerful engine to promote its fastest growing regions in the world, the growth of the South Asian neighbors .

Analysts said that if China will maintain a similar growth in the current momentum, it may be more than 10 years -15 years, the United States get on “the top spot.” In terms of purchasing power parity, China is in fact several years ago to become
The world’s second largest economy has.

Focus on the Chinese stock market and the global raw materials sector asset management company in Toronto, founder of CNC Na Liu said: “The per capita data, China’s economic level is still quite low.” But he said that this only shows that China’s big coming Haiyouduome room for growth, particularly in China is increasing efforts to lower domestic consumption and the development of start-up time of service.

China’s per capita GDP of about 4000 U.S. dollars, above the target earlier than the government about 25%. But compared with other countries, China lags behind South Africa, Ecuador and Algeria and other countries, only Canada, or Japan’s per capita output of 1 / 10.

In per capita income in China as the World Bank ranking of countries in dollar terms, only ranked 92, behind Paraguay, Albania and other “lightweight” economy.

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