Naughtiness on a Farmhouse Table

Peter Scrungeworthy,the owner of a pine furniture manufacturing business, had many reputation> Kindness and generosity where not part of them. Mean, crafty, sneaky,and being downright rude, pretty much summed him up.He was well known for these characteristics, Even with a lot of money in the bank, pockets full of daily takings,he would never pay a bill on time and he would always demand longer credit.His suppliers would eventually on a last day, do a final agreement, they would not put him on stop,as his account was too good, so they would,always be doing their bit to fight back, by pretending the account was older than it was,by adding current to old,anything to beat the old miser.

Scrungeworthy,would do his factory inspections in two ways. The first was always the quickest, he would walk around with his foremen, ‘Trying to inspire greater efforts’ he would murmur. A small nod of the head would be all his loyal staff would get, as they could not stop to acknowledge him, as they were too busy busting a gut. Busting a gut to get his tight bonus award. The second inspection, was always done in the shadows of the dimly lit corridors and from behind large machines, he could hear how the production was progressing, he had an incredible ability to count the number of screws being screwed ,or pins fired by each operator per minute.The office staff were treated just the same, accounts were hand wtitten in the old ledger that was kept locked up in the safe, and the telephones were answered, politely in the correct way, all of course by Susan Tremberthy. On her own as he refused to pay for any more office staff when they were needed.

At lunch time Scrungeworthy would always take a nap,either he would go home or find a quiet corner in the little used label stage room. This particular day Peter the miser, had only dozed off for a few minutes when he woke with a start, he had left some money out on his desk. He ran as fast as he could to the office, when he got there he heard strange grunts and groans,.One was Susan Tremberthy and the other was Stephenson the Foreman.Their ardent groans, stopped Scrungeworthy in his tracks, till he suddenly remembered his money,he tried to open the door but it was rammed closed from the other side,little did he know that the two lovers were celebrating their friendship on a farmhouse table that had been taken from dispatch.Peter banged on the door startling the lovers, who leaped up,the Foreman hitching his trousers and charging for the window in one movement. Susan dragged the table clear, the same time that Stephenson opened the window and Scrungeworthy did his battle charge at full pelt at the now open door. With a run, a shout, and a dive, the old miser was too fast for himself, he was through the window and talking to the ducks in the river below, He had a smile on his face though, he had managed to grab the money off his desk, before he had dived for England

Author Bio: Written by Michael Hughes from the Pine Factory in Devoran For information on farmhouse tables please look on the website

Category: Home Management

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