Positive Dating Off-putting Mistakes

There are unwritten rules of etiquette which need following if you are to be successful at the online positive dating game. This fact is even more important if you are looking to find women to contact. For women are easily put off and as there is a shortage of women on the positive dating sites it makes sense to try and be as popular as possible with the ladies.

Upload a Good Quality Image

Being able to put a face to a name sure helps communication flow. For everyone likes to have a feel for whom they are chatting to. Women feel that if a guy has not uploaded an identifiable image of himself then he probably has something to hide. And then imaginations start to run riot; maybe he is married and does not want to be identified, or maybe he is butt ugly or disfigured and does not want to let on. Maybe he just does not want to be recognised because he is wanted by the police or is up to no good. And the ideas go on and on.

Hence if you are serious about positive dating, it is vital you add an image of yourself to your profile. Do not be off put by the idea that no one will find you attractive, because everyone is looking for something different in a partner. By uploading a clear headshot with you smiling naturally into the camera you will say a lot about yourself, for people will see a friendly genuine person looking back at them.

Accusing Tone

Your tone of voice often shows through the profile you write for the positive dating site. Consequently you need to ensure that you are very careful with the way you write things. You may have previously been hurt by a bad dating experience, so you think it may be an idea to warn off undesirables. But this will not really achieve anything positive for you. No one wants to read references to the type of people you do not want to meet, it will make you come over as picky, finicky and unfriendly. And in effect put off the exact type of person you are trying to attract!

Explain Do Not Demand

Take care with how you approach the things you are looking for in your ideal woman. The last thing you want is for your positive dating profile to read like a ransom note. If you are one of these people who do have rather high expectations from any female they are trying to meet, then it is a good idea to complement these facts with loads of personal information about yourself. Otherwise you will find yourself coming over as fussy and even arrogant, which is not a good thing at all.

If for instance one of your desires is that your woman is healthy and takes care of herself, then rather than writing ‘I want to meet healthy fit women who really look after themselves’, write about yourself instead. Something along the lines of ‘I am a fitness fanatic and attend the gym at least four times a week, so I would like to meet woman who share this passion with me and take pride in taking care of themselves.’ This way the demands you are making of the women are explained and are not so threatening to anyone reading your profile.

Author Bio: This article is contributed by Alison Pullen from the HIVMatch Publishing Team. She works together with founders Richard and Nigel and writes dating/relationship articles. You can find more about Positive Dating and HIVMatch by visiting their website.

Category: Dating
Keywords: positive dating,HIV positive dating,

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