Precautions to Take When Working Out Outdoors

Exercise increases body temperature. The summer sun heats up the body further. Increased humidity during summer slows down the body’s cooling system. Dehydration can cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Summer may be the best time for jogging outdoors or attending boot camp. But certain precautions are necessary while exercising outdoors.

Avoid the hottest times of the day for outdoor exercise. The direct heat of the sun can increase body temperature by about eight or nine degrees. Heat radiated from hot concrete buildings and road surfaces push up the temperature further. Exercising before sunrise or in the evening is a good way to avoid summer heat. From midmorning to early evening outdoor temperatures may be too high. Try to choose shaded areas if possible when taking part in a fitness boot camp or other outdoor fitness program.

Prevent dehydration. Keep the body well hydrated before you start the workout. Drink water before the workout and carry water to sip throughout the workout. It is best to take small frequent drinks to replenish water being lost. Do not wait till you feel thirsty. By this time the body may already be mildly dehydrated.

Check with your doctor if you are taking medicines. Some medicines cause the body to lose water, increasing risk for dehydration.

Choose proper attire to promote cooling. Wear loose fitting clothing which can siphon away sweat. Many modern synthetic textiles are designed for this purpose. Light colored clothes are more comfortable as they do not absorb as much heat as dark colored clothes. Cover the head to keep heat off, but see that air flow is maintained. Wear sunglasses to prevent eye strain. Sunscreens can be used to avoid sunburn which can further reduce cooling.

Headaches, nausea or dizziness may be signs of dehydration. If you feel dizzy or nauseated, stop immediately, drink water and get assistance.

Special care is to be taken when working out in cold weather also. Blood vessels constrict and blood is drawn to the internal organs during exposure to the cold. Sudden activity puts extreme load on the heart to pump blood to the exercising muscles.

Warm up slowly indoors and increase blood circulation before starting strenuous activities outdoors. This will ensure proper blood and oxygen supply to the active muscle tissues and prevent injuries.

Warming up is especially important for older people and people with heart problems. A sudden load on the heart to pump extra blood to the muscles can lead to serious risks.

Keeping warm in the cold needs additional calories. Diabetics should take care to manage medicine and food intake carefully if they opt for an outdoor fitness routine in cold weather. Cold air can also trigger asthma attacks. People having these conditions should consult their doctors for advice.

Wear insulating clothing when exercising in cold weather. Dress in layers so that you can adjust the clothing when you feel warmer after activity. Protect hands and face from frostbite. Wear a hat to trap in body heat.

Outdoor exercises are fun but can put more strain on the body than exercises done in controlled indoor environments. Take care that you dress appropriately, warm up before the workout and drink plenty of water.

Author Bio: If you would like to sign up for a free Boot Camps session or to go to a Sydney Personal Training trial, visit Sydney Personal Trainers.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Boot Camp

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