Pro-Life Views on Abortion

Abortion is a controversial subject that will never find a middle ground. The viability of a fetus and the definition of when life begins is the crux of the abortion debate. There is a huge disparity in the beliefs of those for and those against abortion of pregnancy.

Is a fetus a person?

If a fetus is not considered to be a person, then abortion cannot be the intentional termination of a “life”. Since this is a very objective question, it is nearly impossible for the answer to ever exist in black and white. This controversial topic is fundamentally reduced to whether or not abortion is murder or if it is a woman’s right to privacy. Abortion is an issue that comes down to the ultimate showdown between science, law and religion.

Pro-Life advocates believe that life begins at conception. With this belief, every zygote is a life. Therefore, any intentional termination of this life at any time and for any reason would be considered murder to those who stand on the anti-abortion side of the fence.

Pro-choice advocates argue that women should have complete inalienable rights over their own thoughts, decisions and especially their own body. The opposite side of the anti-abortion spectrum pivots on the “when does life begin” question.

The anti-abortion movement has quite a strong point concerning pregnancy in today’s society. These pro-lifers support safe and responsible sex practices among consenting adults with the use of birth control if a pregnancy is not desired. With the knowledge, availability and ability to prevent pregnancy in today’s age, abortion should not be used as a method of birth control.

Many pro-life advocates make strong pushes towards the option of birth adoptions as opposed to terminating a pregnancy. There are thousands and thousands of adoptive parents with loving homes available for a child that they themselves cannot conceive. Many that oppose abortion also open their wallets and homes to foundations for women that find themselves involved in a personal crisis of an unwanted pregnancy.

Unfortunately, the media villifies anti-abortion supporters by only reporting on incidents that put this group in a bad light. The good work that many of these people do to help pregnant women in crisis is often overshadowed by an overzealous and unstable individual that opens fire at an abortion clinic. Most protests occur with literature handouts and offering a sympathetic ear and an explanation of options to those in need. Many young women forced to make hard decisions about a pregnancy simply do not understand options available to them besides abortion.

If you look past the fanatics, most anti-abortion supporters are simply trying to uphold and preserve the sanctity of life. This group of people is composed of men and women, in various ages of life. Though many beliefs may stem from religion, you will find anti-abortionists in every income level, from every race and creed and on both sides of the political fence. The pro-life movement just wants everyone to value all life, whenever you believe that it began.

Author Bio: Doc. No.: CBFADS729 Colby Brister is a writer for My Baby Bedding Shop and he would like if you check out his Glenna Jean Crib Bedding and Modern Baby Bedding Collection and his Glenna Jean Isabella collection.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: Pro-Life,Views,on,Abortion

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