Recycle or Reuse, But Don’t Through Electronics Away!

We’ve all done it, we go out and purchase a shiny new piece of technology and then, almost right away we’re ready to banish our old device as less exciting – somehow unworthy simply because it’s an older model. We know it’s bad for the environment, but it’s still a commonplace reaction to technology that we think of as “old.”

It’s probably amazing how often you have thoughtlessly tossed something in the trash with little regard where it’s going? Landfills are overflowing with all kinds of things that are quickly forgotten by fickle buyers every season, when the next thing comes along. Don’t add to the pile! It’s your obligation to get rid of e-waste properly. If you have lying around any outdated technological devices, do the right thing by keeping these devices out of the trash heap.

Why is it important to recycle electronics or dispose of them safely?

Many computers contain toxic chemicals that are damaging to the environment. When electronic items are dumped in landfills, these harmful elements can leech into the creeks and streams leading to problems for generations.

Now that you learn about the problems, you’ll realize why it is undeniably important to do it right when disposing of gadgets with computer chips — even if you don’t consider yourself green!

Follow this Guide to Getting Rid of Outdated Technology Properly:

Let’s begin at the first “R” which stands for Reuse. The best thing to do is hold off shipping it off to a local landfill by making a plan to reuse it.

It may be possible to re-sell your old electronics. Reselling gives someone new the opportunity to re-use your item. Keep in mind that you want to make certain that you have all the original parts, especially the connection cords. Otherwise the new owner may get frustrated and may end up throwing it away anyways. If you’ve misplaced parts over the years, many times you can find them online. Reselling might rescue your outdated electronics from the trash heap for just a few extra years.

The most common way to ensure reuse is to give it to a nonprofit. Ask around for ideas, or look for a nonprofit on Craigslist. List your item on a first-come, first-serve basis and then be sure to indicate once a group has claimed it.

You can also leave your old electronics at a second-hand store, such as the Salvation Army.

If your items are too old to reuse, then the next best thing is to recycle it.

In many cities it’s against the law to leave old electronics out for the regular recycling collection. This is because most high-tech items are hazardous and municipal utilities are ill-equipped to carry them. They must be delivered to an e-waste disposal location where they will be processed safely.

Some recycling centers will give you cash for your trash. Help make a greener earth and get some extra income at the same time.

Far too many products are being unnecessarily thrown into landfills. Go green and save the earth by keeping usable items out of there. Recycle or reuse, but whatever you do, don’t just throw it away.

Author Bio: Check out for tips and ideas about how to recycle cell phones or dispose of computer monitors.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: recycle,electronics waste,recycle cell phones,ewaste,recycle computers

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