RFID Product Life Cycle and the Future Development

RFID technology and applications in recent years, significant progress and expansion, mainly due to industry the potential for RFID applications and market size have great expectations. But the current RFID applications in the development of various industries, has failed to achieve most industry expectations, large-scale or breakthrough. RFID products for all industrial users and providers want to learn more about the current development status, to assess the future to strengthen the push factors, and appropriate import or development strategy. In this paper, Geoffrey Moore published 20 years ago, the technology import cycle model to explain the application of RFID in various industries into the current status and future efforts to target estimate that the industry reference.

Moore’s technology into cycle

For the growth of new technologies to market process, Moore put it into the early market, Death Valley, bowling, and tornadoes in four stages. Market characteristics of each stage is different, the industry must address the characteristics of each stage, the development of appropriate market-driven strategy could be sustained by a phase of derivatives into the next stage.

Market in the early stages, when new technology to market, the new technology to provide cost-effective than existing technology is more functional, by which time the effectiveness of new technology is experienced or not fully tested. Therefore, the target customers are forward-looking vision of the business unit responsible for, and they import new technology is mainly motivated by new technology you want to create competitive advantage. Zhezhong business need for the new technology directly Xiao Shou Ji customers, while Jihuashuxing usually yes guest Zhi-based, price is the monetary value of Yi customers to set, so the profit Jiaogao, program execution Huoban is You Gu Wen and system integrators Zucheng .

In the market, this new technology with other different types of technology to compete in the market positioning and new technology companies must continue to maintain technology leadership. Upon the completion of the sale of an industrial customer, sales to other customers the same industry the opportunity is very small, because many early market customers want to be a pioneer within the industry. Therefore, the next new technology companies in different industries, customers are forward-looking vision of the Business Unit Leader.

The second stage is the Valley of Death. The new market in the early stage technology companies to establish a basis, in order to expand the performance within the industry in each searching for more customers. Zai this stage, facing the challenges of new technology companies yes Miandui target customers by a forward-looking vision of the Department of Fuze people Bian Cheng Shi Ye pragmatic heads of departments in these types of customers relative Baoshou, waiting for other people would tell Cai Yong Hou progress. New technology products and systems is incomplete, not fully meet the needs of industry, it will face many of the import drag. If the new technology product company can quickly upgrade the functions of the system to fully meet the needs of industry, new companies will be unable to skip the valley of death phase continue to grow to the next stage.

When the new technology companies have a complete product system to meet specific industry requirements, will be within a particular industry in which a large number and wide to seek import opportunities, seize this niche market, it is like in a bowling lane bowling pins down with one. Next, look for the next niche market, and the system adjusted to meet the new product niche, the niche market on behalf of the new bowling pins down.

In the bowling market stage, the target is realistic head, they import new technology, the main motivation is trying to solve specific problems. Such a market to develop more clients, usually to create added value by the agent to sell, but the content is niche marketing applications, the price is according to customer’s specific problem caused by the pain be set in the value, margins are higher than medium, market development executive team is to establish the value of refining the new partners. In the market, be faced with other types of niche products with the competition in the market positioning and new technology companies must continue to maintain a leading position in niche markets. Upon the completion of a niche market share, you must continue to develop niche market opportunities for next near.

When the niche products to mature and begin to make the mainstream market acceptance, new technology will be possible to import into the Moore technology cycle phase IV tornado market. A necessary condition for market access tornado is the industry standard and leader in the production formation. Industry standards allow ordinary users to create new technologies to enhance trust and promote market competition and reduce prices; and the leader can establish the general user confidence in new technologies and rapid development of market leading industry. The two necessary conditions are met, the market will grow rapidly into the market stage a tornado.

Market in the tornado phase, target customer is a pragmatic technology buyers who import new technology, organizations need motivation because standard products formed by the new system. This market to make a lot of sales, usually sold by the amount of channels to sell, but the content is a common platform for product sales, its price is set according to conditions of market competition, thus less profit, market development executive team is refining the value of integration partners. In the market, need to face competition of other vendors products, positioning in the market, we must establish a market share leader. Upon the completion of a market share, you must continue to develop under a new platform or create new sales channels, or the development of new regional market opportunities.

Since the EPC G2, completed in 2006, RFID technology and applications have a breakthrough year, but each step with the progress of industrial applications, according to Geoffrey Moore’s technology into cycle model, RFID applications in various industries have mostly through the valley of death, but To meet the market stage a tornado, RFID industry must continue to develop low-cost complete solution, producing leader, and to help build applications using the industry standard. In addition, RFID is IoT (Internet of Things) one of the key technologies, and IoT importance has been the global industry, the future of RFID in the promotion, in addition to continue to promote various industries to reach the market stage a tornado, but also should actively explore ways and sensing , network, intelligent software and services platform, and the combination of cloud computing to meet the IoT future development needs.

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Category: Business Management
Keywords: hand crank led flashlight,second hand tractors,lion brand knitting,

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