Safety Tips For Escalators and Moving Walks

Escalators and moving walks have helped transport large quantities of people for the past several decades. With proper precautions, users are able to move quickly and safely while avoiding the limit and exertion of walking or taking the stairs.

An escalator is set of continuous moving stairs. Escalators are power operated and function by a constant moving driving system which allows one to ascend and descend from floor to floor, without the exertion of a traditional staircase or the weight of an elevator. A moving handrail completes every escalator and provides extra security to riders. For safety purposes any item with wheels such as wheelchairs and strollers should not be brought onto the escalator.

A moving walk way is also referred to as a moving sidewalk. A moving walk way is a giant conveyor belt or set of moving metal plates, designed to move people quickly from one point to another. The moving walk only moves horizontally, sometimes with a slight incline, and is often found in large airport terminals. Moving walks allow a large quantity of people to move quickly through a given area. Moving walks also have a moving handrail to assist in keeping passengers safe. Riders are free to move about while on a moving walk. They can continue walking to hasten their trip or take a rest and let the moving walk do the work. Passengers are also able to bring baggage, strollers, wheel chairs, and other wheeled devices onto the moving walk, while maintaining the safety of all passengers.

When riding an escalator or moving walk way it is very important to follow appropriate safety precautions to ensure personal safety.

– Always check that hair, clothing, and accessories are securely tied back or tucked in. Loose items have the potential to become entangled and can pose a serious safety risk.

– Pay close attention to the direction of the escalator/moving walk way before you step on.

– Step carefully onto the escalator stairs/moving walk way.

– Grasp the railing at all times with a free hand. Maintain your grip on the rail being careful to avoid the wall below the handrail.

– If traveling with small children, hold their hand. Older children may hold the railing while riding.

– Bags, packages, purses, and any other personal belongings should never be placed on escalator stairs.

– Carry personal items close to your body and away from escalator/moving walk mechanisms.

– Stand firmly in the middle of the stair or moving walk way.

– Never sit on the escalator or moving side walk.

– Use caution when exiting the moving side walk or escalator.

– Continue moving after exiting an escalator or moving walk to ensure all passengers are able to exit safely.

– Never block the exit of an escalator or moving walk.

– Use extra caution if you wear bifocals.

– Open toed shoes should be avoided when using an escalator.

During an emergency, never ride an escalator or moving walk way. Always walk to the nearest emergency exit and follow instructions of emergency personnel.

Author Bio: Wilson Castrillon has been in the elevator industry for over 25 years. In the 1990s he received his NYC Department of Buildings inspector’s license and his QEI Certification. In 1999 he started his own elevator consulting business providing design, engineering, and more.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: elevator consultants,escalator safety,moving walks,escalators,escalator design

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