Secrets Behind the Butterfly Beauty

Butterfly is one of the most beautiful creators in the earth. Everyone ranging from small kids to elder people love to enjoy the butterfly beauty. These colorful insects are of different colors and shape. The beauty is not only meant to attract other living beings including human beings, but also to escape from certain attacks. There are many secrets behind the butterfly beauty.

Butterfly is wise enough to escape themselves from the predators. Due to its color and beauty we may think that no one will try to eat them. But this is not the truth. The butterfly beauty attracts certain predators but butterflies have certain measures to escape from the attack. When some predators wrap it using tongue, the poison present in its body will make the creator to vomit butterfly and thus it is escaped from death.

Butterfly contains a segmented body structure combined of head, thorax and abdomen. It also contains 2 pairs of wings and 3 pairs of jointed legs. The muscles are strong enough to take them for long distance. Feet are their sensing organs using which they taste the flower and secretions. Butterfly mainly feeds on nectar that is found in flowers using its sucking type mouth.

Besides the beauty of butterfly, it also helps nature in many ways. Butterfly plays a major role in fertilization or pollination in plants. Not only the adult butterfly, all the life stages have its own beauty. They usually lay eggs on leaf which later hatches to form caterpillars. These caterpillars hibernate itself inside a cocoon for couple of weeks and later comes out as adult butterfly.

Butterfly is one of the wonders of nature. The beauty of the butterfly has been compared to light that shines in darkness. The different colors in wings add on the beauty to our eyes. The wings consist of scale like cells that reflect light and provide a visual effect. Once you touch or rub your fingers on the wings, you can get a powder like materials which are the cells. But they lose the reflecting power once it is in your fingers.

Study about butterflies and its features are increasing day by day due to the anxiety of man to know and find more. Most of the butterfly classification is based on the shape and color of wings. However there are many other features, designs on wings is an important identification. Some of the wings are such that they depict some warning against the predators that helps them to escape from dangers.

This has been regarded as symbol of love and beauty. Due to some of the negative activities of human beings, nature species are diminishing in number. In order to save the creature, many steps like butterfly parks, study on them etc have been put forward. Besides this, many people try to build artificial home for them in order to keep up the race. These all activities not only save butterfly species but also maintain earth’s beauty.

Author Bio: I am basically a graduate at the University of Hamburg and you can get awesome articles and valid information from the ones which I submit specially for you to take a look at. Check out Butterfly Images, Butterfly Graphics or Butterfly Pictures.

Category: Society
Keywords: butterfly garden, garden, exotic varieties, plants,nectar

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