Shopping Your Way To Happiness

Serious debt reduction can never come without controlling spending, but controlling spending can be one of the toughest things many people will ever do. This is due in part to the fact that people often consume for physiological rather than physical reasons. By looking at some of the ways in which shopping is connected to happiness, it becomes possible to better understand spending and reduce debt.

Reasons people spend too much.
There are a lot of reasons why people live beyond their means and build up debt. In some cases, it may be related to wanting what they see advertised or because the neighbor has it. Often though, things are purchased simply for the feeling of acquiring something.

What many people do not consider is that the positive feelings they get from purchasing things usually decreases with the quantity they purchase. It works much like a drug that has been overused. Gradually, it takes greater quantities of it to get the exact same result that could be reached with a smaller amount before.

This can also be seen with money. A quantity of money a poorer person would be overjoyed to receive might mean nothing to someone who is rich. Relative scarcity makes people appreciate things more.

Because of this, the pleasure people can get from acquiring new things will gradually decrease with the quantity they consume. When this is mixed with easy credit, it can grow into a kind of dangerous addition with people making ever bigger purchases to get the same feeling of satisfaction they could once get from smaller things.

What to do
People must first be willing to think about what their spending is for. If they consistently buy things they could have lived without, they are probably caught up in a desire to spend just for the feeling of acquiring things. For people like this, it may be necessary to eliminate credit cards and anything else that allows them to make easy purchases.

Delay purchases
It is a proven fact that people appreciate and enjoy things much more when they have waited for them. Resist the temptation for instant gratification and delay purchases. The time spent waiting can be used to make sure there will be enough money to pay in full, get the best price and to consider if it is really needed. If the product is finally purchased after the wait, the anticipation will make it possible to appreciate it more.

Do not make purchasing too easy.
Any good parent has probably not purchased something their children wanted simply because they did not want to spoil them. However, the ability to become spoiled does not end with puberty or at any other point. For this reason, every responsible consumer needs to limit what they buy for themselves too. Link acquiring something to a goal such as a fitness level. This will make achieving those goals more likely and increase one’s appreciation for the new goods in the same way delaying the purchase did.

Buy for others
Research has also shown that giving and spending money for others brings with it more personal satisfaction than spending on oneself. Furthermore, giving and donating will make both the giver and receiver happier.

With these simple steps, it is possible to reduce debt and improve one’s financial situation while increasing emotional well being. Give it a try for a great chance at a win-win situation.

Author Bio: Those looking to increase their financial well being should check out Money Saving Tips to learn more about investing, saving and eliminating debt to include ways to reduce personal debt.

Category: Finances
Keywords: shopping, consuming, debt reduction, happiness, emotional well being,

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