Signs That Your Ex Still Loves You

Many relationships break even if there is a lot of love left between both of them. Sometimes even after the end of a relationship, some guys/girls still have feelings left for their ex. There are some signs that you can check out to find if your ex still loves you or not.

The first and most obvious sign that your ex is still in love with you is that he/she keeps on searching for an excuse to talk to you or get in touch with you. Your ex tries to stay connected with you via phone calls or texts or emails or social networking websites like facebook. He/she may call you just to know about your welfare without any special reason. And when you are talking to your ex, he/she reminds you about the moments which both of you have spent and enjoyed together.

Another sign that your ex still loves you is that he/she gets the feeling of jealousy when you talk to or date some other girl/guy. For this fact, your ex may try to confirm through your common friends that you are in relationship with some one else or not or just try to stay updated about your life. It may happen sometimes, that your ex suddenly meets you in your way somewhere and acts like it is just a coincidence. Then simply start talking to you and when you talk to your ex, he/she tries to know more about your present life. One for sure sign to know if your ex loves you or not is that he/she is not in a new relationship with anyone after your break up.

Most probably, they haven’t fallen in love with anyone else after you. If its your birthday or another special occasion your ex is still the first one to wish you and send you gifts and cards. In fact it can happen that he/she has still kept gifts and cards which you have given to him/her in the past. This is the best sign that your ex still have some feelings left for you. Your ex still values your emotions and feelings. It happens that when your ex happens to meet you, he/she feels guilt for what he/she did with you and apologizes for his/her past behavior. Your ex still behaves warm and friendly with you and still shares his/her personal problems with you only and ask you for advice. This means that you are still that reliable person in your ex’s life.

There are some more little little signs which show that your ex loves you and wants you back in his/her life like – when your ex meets you he/she shows you that he/she has changed and improved. He/she sees you in places where you often go and talk to your friends. He/she often asks you for going on a date in between conversations. Your ex still wants have to one relationship with you and that is friendship – he/she considers you as a good friend. Your ex often gives you compliments and appreciates you whenever he/she sees you. Your ex tells you each and every thing about his/her life including his/her future planning and also seems eager to know about you and your planning. One sign is your ex is not dating anyone else after you.

So these are some of the best signs that make you sure that your ex still loves you a lot and wants you back in his/her life. So what are you waiting for? If you think that your ex can be forgiven and you can give a new start, just go to your ex solve all the misunderstandings. Get back in his/her life if you feel the same for your ex.

Author Bio: The author loves to write and what better way to write online. These days, he writes text for internet content like personality quizzes. He also works on photo effects and free wallpapers in his free time.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: Love, Dating,Relationships, Breakup

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