Simple Facts About Arthritis

Individuals who reach the ages of 40 and above are susceptible to arthritis. Arthritis is the condition of swelled joints that makes it hard to do physical movements in the affected area and sometimes even causes disability. About 350 million people have been struck by this 100 different types of disease and the number is steadily rising.

To be able to control the disease you must have an idea on how it manifests itself in a human body. As mentioned before arthritis has over 100 variants but they share the most common signs once acquired. The symptoms usually include ache and rigidness in the joints that can lead to anemia, inflammation of the colon, hard bowel movement, and ultimately deformed limbs as it slowly spreads throughout the whole body gradually. The usual culprit behind arthritis is mainly genetics which can make you susceptible to be struck down with the disease if you have a family history of arthritis. Weight bearing joints like the knees and the spine are the usual target of arthritis because of the constant pressure being carried by the joints. Hormonal disparity can secrete imbalanced hormone levels that can further inflame the joints.

Management of arthritis seems fairly easy if you know where the joints that are under attack by the malady. There are a couple of solutions to help ease the pain and discomfort brought by arthritis but no direct cure has ever been found yet. So it is important to provide the proper management of arthritis to prevent further damage and pain to the inflicted individual.

Arthritis is usually detected using physical examination and radiography. Some at the late stage can be characterized by the deformity in the limbs and other parts of the body. Studies have shown that arthritis has been around since ancient times and it was proven by samples of ancient blood that rheumatoid factor, antinuclear factor, extractable nuclear antigen. The human ancestors suffered the disease and it does not spare you.

Most people would take in pain killer medications like paracetamol or ibupofren to minimize their pain but arthritis does not go away. You are only treating the symptoms of arthritis and you cannot instantly cure the disease right away. The medication is usually coupled with rehabilitative clinical methods like occupational and physical therapy. In older people, this is especially crucial so that their joints will be exercised.For some extreme cases, an operation called arthroplasty involves joint replacement surgery to alleviate arthritis. along with hip and knee replacements. Some might take other herbal like fish oil or alternative methods like a sauna bath in trying to relieve their pain of arthritis.

Many advances in the medical field and technology has not found the answer to the cure of arthritis. So it is better that you decide to prevent arthritis from ever happening to you. You can do this if you live a healthier lifestyle as studies have shown that regular exercise can strengthen your joints and muscles. Live healthy and you might grow old gracefully – minus the debilitating pain of arthritis.

Author Bio: Winston P. McDonald enjoys writing for which sells cherokee scrubs and baby phat scrubs as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: swelled joints,alleviate arthritis,facts of arthritis,arthritis

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