Starting a Soap Making Business — 5 Success Tips

Starting a soap making business gets discussed quite often for a couple of reasons. Firstly, because so many hobby soap makers start looking for an outlet for all that soap they turn out. Selling it is a way to get back part of the expense of making it in the first place. Secondly, a soap business is one home-based business that costs just a little to get going and can be profitable quite quickly.

Our little kitchen sink venture generated sales of 35,000 bars of soap in just a short time starting from nothing. Now this was a really low tech sort of business. Very little investment was required and this was literally a kitchen sink operation. At the most we made a hundred bars at a time. Don’t be fooled by small scale though. A soap business can be a money maker or a money disaster. Ours was a money maker and here’s why…

Tip 1 You have to make some soap…

I correspond with people who want to start a big, profitable soap business and they’ve spent a ton of money, but… they’ve made little or no soap! Make some soap. Make more. Get started. After all… it’s a craft. You learn by doing.

Tip 2 Get it right…

Don’t even think of selling natural soap until you’re consistently making beautiful soap that works just right. It isn’t hard to do. Do all handmade soap makers a favor and only sell well cured, professional quality soap. It’s really easy to do if you get some good instructions. But please spend the time to learn how to make soap right… Ignore this and you’re finished before you start.

Tip 3 Selling the easy way…

There are dozens of ways to sell soap and start a soap business. You can choose what methods you prefer. One of the easiest ways is to rent a space at a local festival or craft event. That’s a great way to get started. We have often sold over 500 bars of soap in just two days of a festival. There’s a trick to this…

Tip 4 Easier money with follow-up sales…

You can sell more soap to your festival customers. See, selling to repeat customers is easy. That’s why a little catalog or a little brochure you can easily make yourself is a proven money maker. That way you can sell soap without leaving home. This is where a website works great too. Repeat sales are easy money…

Tip 5 Just do it…

You can get bogged down by a hundred details. Some people want you to go around getting all kinds of licenses and permits before you take a step. Now you need the right licenses and permits, but use a little judgement please. Who cares if you sell a few bars of soap just to see if you can? Nobody… Excuses for doing nothing are everywhere. Do something. Make something happen.

My family made a pile of soap and all kinds of other related products. We sold the stuff fast too and so can you. The trick is to get started and just do it. Starting a soap making business takes energy, initiative, a willingness to learn and a little money, but not very much money to start.

Author Bio: Discover more tips for starting a soap making business at another of our articles. If you’re just thinking about starting or expanding a soap business, please check this out.

Category: Business
Keywords: starting a soap making business, soap making business, soap business

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