Symptoms and Signs of Diabetes

The signs and symptoms that diabetes may be attacking your body are generally very subtle and are often written off as something less serious. As a result, diabetes may go on undetected in a person for years before it becomes a serious and more noticeable disease. The early signs for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are very similar in appearance. However, there are some differences that may allow you to differentiate between the two. If you suffer from any of the following signs and symptoms of diabetes you should seek the immediate advice of a health care professional. Early detection is the key to taking control.

Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes

The following symptoms are quite common and may be shrugged off as nothing unusual by some. However, you should take note if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, especially when in combination with each other or if you have any family history of diabetes or high blood sugar:

* Frequent Urination

If the body doesn’t have an adequate amount of insulin, glucose cannot be filtered through the kidneys and into the blood. When this occurs, the glucose levels build up and the kidneys become overwhelmed. They will try to draw water from the body in an attempt to dilute the excess glucose. This, in turn, leads to excessive bathroom visits and frequent urination. Many tend to shrug this off by blaming their frequent bathroom stops on a small bladder or other minor issue. While a frequency in urination can be caused by a multitude of things, this sometimes embarrassing problem should be taken more seriously if combined with any of the other signs or symptoms of diabetes.

* Unexplainable Thirst

It stands to reason that if your kidneys are pulling water out of your body, then you are likely to become dehydrated and experience a need to replace the water you are losing. If you often experience extreme or unexplainable thirst that you just can’t seem to quench, it may be a sign of early diabetes.

* Weight Loss

Since the pancreas is not producing insulin and the body is storing excessive levels of glucose that cannot be dispersed into the system, the cells of the body must look for an alternative source of energy. As a result, they begin to attack and break down muscle tissue and fat cells for the energy they require. Weight loss is generally more noticeable with Type 1 diabetes than it is with Type 2.

* Weakness

Weakness and fatigue may well be a sign of diabetes, especially when combined with any other symptoms. In an individual without diabetes, glucose is carried into the bloodstream and enters into the body cells. Without insulin, glucose cannot enter the cells and they become starved for energy, causing extreme tiredness and a general run down feeling.

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

While the above listed symptoms of Type 1 diabetes can also apply to Type 2, there are a number of other signs that may be more closely associated with Type 2 diabetes. These include numbness or tingling of the extremities, blurred or cloudy vision, itchy or dry skin, slow healing cuts or bruises, and recurring bladder, skin, or gum infections. If one or more of these symptoms are present with or without any of the above mentioned symptoms, you may be developing Type 2 diabetes.

Attack it Before it Attacks You

Fortunately, if diabetes is caught in the early stages, it can be easily controlled through a healthy lifestyle and a change in eating habits. The trick however, is in recognizing the early symptoms of diabetes and stopping it in its tracks before it takes control.

Author Bio: To learn more about Diabetes Symptoms and Diabetes please visit:

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: diabetes,type 1 diabetes,type 2 diabetes,diabetes symptoms,symptoms

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