The Care of Solar Panels

Solar panels are designed to provide a steady source of electricity and heat. The panels feature an array of solar cells and are linked up to other compartments. They’re usually installed onto the roofs and tops of homes and buildings in groups of three or four. To ensure your panels are able to function properly and provide adequate power, make sure that they are properly maintained.

The good news is that these systems do not need much upkeep. The heating pump is the really only component that features any moving parts and the only breakable part is the glass covering of the panels. Even though maintenance will be light, it’s wise to stay on top of it.

It’s a good idea to periodically inspect your solar panels. To prevent damage, remove dirt and any other pieces of debris. Check them as often as the manufacturer’s manual says to or whenever the glass appears particularly dirty. Check them more frequently if you live in a dusty area. Generally, if you check them and they’re very dirty, you should check them more frequently. Since this is not a daily task, you’ll probably need some way to help you remember when to check your solar panels. Mark the dates on your calendar, or combine it with some other periodic maintenance like checking the batteries in your smoke alarms.

In order to remove an accumulation of grime and dirt particles from the panels, scrub gently from time to time. Use soap and warm water to loosen the dirt and a clean cloth to wipe it away. Bird droppings are commonly found on solar panels, since they’re usually located on roofs. You’ll need to completely remove them to maximize the amount of sunlight that gets through to the solar panels. One you’ve removed the dirt, cool down the panels with room temperature water before drying. This will prevent streaks and water spots.

Don’t remove the solar panels to clean them. That’s more work than it’s worth. You will have to use a ladder and some safety gear to climb up to them. Take every safety precaution as you inspect and clean the panels to avoid the accidents that frequently occur when climbing on roofs and using ladders.

A solar panel must be completely clean in order for it to function properly. A dirty panel could mean that you get little or no use out of it. So cleaning them is an extremely important act, rather than a cosmetic one.

If you are unwilling or unable to ascend to your home’s roof, you have a few more options. You could clean your solar panels from the safety and comfort of the ground using a tool designed for that purpose. Much like the devices used at a self service car wash, a long metal pole sprays a powerful steady stream of water. Most of the devices can be hooked up the home’s front or backyard water faucet.

You could also consider hiring professional solar panel cleaners. These workers are experts and safely inspecting rooftop panels and have the tools and know how to keep them working properly. Look in the phone book or online for local businesses that offer this service. Or ask the contractor that installed your system. Shop around and get prices from a few different companies. There’s a wide range in pricing.

Author Bio: New solar panel technologies are improving efficiency al the time. Learn about how solar energy can help you save money.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: solar panels,solar power

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