The Complete Solution to Effective and Permanent WeightLoss

There is a simple, scientific way to weightloss that will TYPICALLY cause you to lose 3 – 10lbs in your first week and to maintain consistent weightloss after that. Without feeling hungry or weak or lethargic. Would you like to eat almond crusted salmon with caramelized onions and basil, chicken with butter dressing, Tilapia seafoood salad and home-made dark chocolate and still lose weight every day? Then read on.

It is a sad fact that many people are overweight. I know, because for a long time I was one of them. Being 5’6″ and almost 200 pounds is not a good look. My nickname among my friends was “Wombat”. For those of you who are not Australian (not all of us can be so lucky!), a wombat is like a badger or a groundhog. Fat, round, slow moving, bad tempered, big butt. To be honest, it was not the nickname I would have chosen for myself. I always liked Leopard. Or Dragon. But I got Wombat.

It wasn’t as if I didn’t try to lose weight. In fact sometimes I did. A bit. For a while. But not enough so anyone noticed. One hundred and eighty seven pounds doesn’t look a lot different to one hundred and ninety two pounds. The Wombat lived.

I tried all sorts of diets and restricted eating regimes. The Atkins diet. The Pritikin diet. High protein diets. (Made me feel sick all the time). Low carbohydrate diets. (Made me so exhausted I didn’t want to do anything but lie around and watch television). Fruit diets! They really got things moving through my body but unfortunately didn’t make me lose weight. Vegetarian diets. (If God had meant us to be vegetarians, He wouldn’t have made animals out of meat!). Some of these diets helped for a while. I lost a few pounds but eventually got bored of the sameness of the food and quickly put back on anything I had so hard earned lost.
Plus, I was hungry all the time.

Finally, I realized I could sit on the couch and achieve nothing until I died, or, I could lose weight and rejoin the human race. I searched on the internet to find a system of losing weight that would work for me. I bought lots of products which promised me weight loss to make a supermodel envious. I tried. I really did. The only thing to lose weight was my wallet. I began to despair that I was destined to be Wombat all my life.

Life works in mysterious ways. When you seek, eventually life provides an answer that is right for you. I truly believe that.

I found a program which was founded on solid, scientific principles. It told me exactly which foods to eat to cause accelerated fat burning. It showed me the foods which prevent fat burning and why they do this. It taught me how to put the good foods together to create nourishing, yummy meals that enhanced the fat burning process. It was simple, used easily available foods and I did not have to purchase special meals or additives to follow it. I lost seven pounds in the first week and maintained a weight loss of 2 – 4 pounds every week thereafter until I achieved my ideal weight of 120 pounds! And I was never hungry.

The principles are:

– Foods which are turned into sugar within your body are bad. For example, bread, low fat muffins, orange juice.

– Wholewheat carbs such as wholewheat bread, pasta, health cereals and even wholegrain crackers are digested into sugar in the body.

– There are tasty alternatives to these such as sprouted grain bread, rice bread, spelt bread, millet, quinoa and sweet potatoes. All fruits and vegetables.

– There are “good” fats and “bad” fats. Bad fats are things such as hydrogenated oils, canola oil, margarine, butter substitutes. Good fats are real butter(!), whole eggs, coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, raw nuts. All things I love to eat.

– Processed foods are enemy #2. They usually contain lots of sugar and harmful chemicals. These include such things as artificial sweeteners, high fructose syrups, processed soy products.

– Natural foods, especially one ingredient foods such as lean meat, eggs, fruit, vegetables, sweet potatoes etc are excellent to attune your body to weightloss.

– It is the quality of the foods, not the amount, which enhances the weight loss metabolic effect.

– Starvation diets put your body into starvation mode and it hangs on to every last globule of fat.

– Once you know what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat for your metabolic type, your body burns fat at a consistent and continuing rate.

Did you know that it is the liver which is responsible for breaking down fat within the body? No, me either. The other main function of the liver is to filter and remove harmful substances from the body. When your diet consists of processed food with artificial substances, the liver is overwhelmed trying to protect you from these and has no energy or time to break down fat. Once the liver is freed from this task by eating healthy, unprocessed foods that do not turn into sugar, it is able to break down fat and help you to lose weight on autopilot.

The body is indeed a wonderful machine when it is fed the right fuel at the right time in the right quantities.

You will find that kindness is more important than wisdom.

Author Bio: Martin P Kerrigan, Wombat, was overweight for much of his life. It was not until he found the The Diet Solution Program that he was able to lose seven pounds in his first week and two to four pounds each week thereafter, until he achieved his ideal weight. He is still called Wombat by his friends unfortunately. To check out The Diet Solution which worked for him, go to : The Diet Solution Program

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weightloss,fat burners,

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