The Double Rabbit Hutch & The Rabbit Cage: What is the Difference?

One of the newest in living style of pet rabbits today is what they call the double rabbit hutch. It is much touted by some as one that is fit for a king and by some as one that will help you avoid some troubles for your pet rabbit.

But how is it different from the old fashioned rabbit cage?

The double rabbit hutch and the rabbit cage

Pet rabbit lovers and other people who have interest in pet rabbits (those in the business of selling or manufacturing cages, hutches and runs) seem to have a silent cooperation as far as improving the lives of pet rabbits.

In the course of the interaction between the two groups, bits of information are exchanged and it is probable that one or both sides come up with ideas that will address certain problems of rabbits. The end result is the improvement of the life of rabbits – its health, comfort, and safety.

And consequently the double rabbit hutch. But are there differences between the two that will merit a pet owner’s attention and consideration to buy or build one for his or her pet?

1.The purpose. Cages have been in use for rabbits for a long, long time, in fact, since people started domesticating rabbits for pets. They have been used to house rabbits both indoors and outdoors.

However, there was an increasing awareness among owners of the dangers that usually confront rabbits when left even in a cage outside the house especially at night. The dangers come in the presence of predators like dogs, cats and feral cats, foxes, owls, hawks, opossums, weasels and raccoons which view rabbits either as enemies or an item of delectable food.

Because of the basic design and construction of the cage and realizing the limited purpose it serves, they were most often consigned for indoor use only. Consequently, other types of construction were made for outdoor use, like the rabbit run and hutches.

Even the runs and hutches did not escape the ever present desire for change because of the need to adapt to the conditions, temperament, needs, and nature of rabbits.

These most likely engendered the development of the different types of housing available today. It is probably not just the passion of business to innovate in order to prop up their business, which by the way, is also a big help to pet owners.

And the double rabbit hutch was introduced in the market to serve the purposes that seem lacking in cages.

They are hutches all right but not like the ordinary hutch whose legs elevate it from the ground. The lower level space on the ground is enclosed to serve as a place where the rabbit can play. There it can stay and have the sunlight and plenty of air it needs.

If there is enough space in the house, what will prevent an owner to have it for indoor use also, if proper modifications are done such as having an elevated the floor and a wheel? Or if the cage has roof that protects the rabbit from sunlight or little rain or shower, what will stop an owner from enclosing it with wire mesh that will serve as a run for the rabbit?

2.Design. Cages are conceived as of simple construction which can be an all wire one, that is, the top, the sides and the floor are all made of wire mesh.

Or it can have a room that will serve as a place for the rabbit to rest and relax when it needs to. The room can be of the same level as the floor of the entire cage or it can be elevated with a ramp leading down where the rabbit can run up and down. The latter is what they call a rabbit condo, which is similar in concept to the double rabbit hutch.

The hutch looks more like a house with the lower level, more or less open to view but enclosed by welded wire for protection. It is on the ground where the rabbit can run and play. There it can have all the fresh air and the sunlight it needs. The upper level has walls to protect it from strong winds and which serves a place of retreat for the rabbit, where it can relax and rest or sleep.

Also double hutches tend to be bigger than the cages because they are outdoors for the purpose of giving the rabbits more space in which they can run and play.

This is especially true when the rabbit is from one of the American Fuzzy lop, the Florida White, the Holland lop, the Champagne French Lop and the Belgian hare breeds which are by nature curious and are fond of exploring their surroundings.

The hutch has its door properly secured, while the cage can have its door open to allow it to go around the house if it wants to and come in at any time.

One thing is the cage has rollers for ease of movement while the double hutch does not have them.

Also, the materials used in constructing a double rabbit hutch are sturdier than those used in a rabbit cage.

A hutch or a cage?

Well, it all depends on your purpose and the place where you will use it. A double rabbit hutch is certainly needed for rabbits which are by nature active and thus require more space. It has to be constructed using stronger materials because it is placed outdoors for protection against predators; but it needs a solid roofing that serves as a shelter from the heat of the sun and from the rain.

Author Bio: For more details about double rabbit hutch and rabbit cage, please visit us online.

Category: Pets
Keywords: double rabbit hutch, rabbit cage

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