The Fail Proof Five Steps to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

There are many methods touted on the Internet to lose weight. Diets, pills and potions are sold every day. Some help, some don’t. There is one fail proof way to lose weight which will be explained in this article. Follow the simple plan outlined below and you will lose weight. Without fail.

The thing to remember when you commence to lose weight is that there are principles to follow which will make your weight loss so much easier.

1. Do not go on a diet. Outrageous advice. Perhaps. Saying to yourself “I am going on a diet tomorrow.” can be most stressful. What is best is to change your eating habits gradually, step by step, until you are eating healthy, non-fattening foods most of the time. Instead of eating from the five main take-away food groups each day, eat some nuts, eat some grapes, eat an orange, eat some watermelon. Is your mouth watering as you read this? Now think hamburger. It’s not as appetizing as usual, is it? Which brings us to point number 2.

2. Only eat foods that you like. I can hear you say, “But I do only eat foods that I like. Hamburgers. Kebabs. Fries.” Yes, but that is not the point. As I just demonstrated to you in the paragraph above where you salivated over nuts and grapes and oranges, hamburgers and fries are not the only foods you like. There are many healthy foods you like which are both good for you and will help you to lose weight. You know the drill, you have researched this many times before. Don’t count calories. Eat tasty, nutritious foods each and every day.

3. Don’t just stop eating everything at once. Instead of eating a hamburger each night, have a hamburger once a week on Friday night. You will enjoy it much more and it is a treat to congratulate you on your discipline. Don’t go cold turkey. No pizza, no fries, no kebabs. Be kind to yourself. You are teaching yourself that you actually really enjoy lots of foods that are good for you. Give your body time to acclimatize to what is happening. Surrender yourself to the exquisite taste of some frozen strawberries. Have a slice of pineapple with a square of apple strudel.

4. Whatever you do, don’t go hungry. Hunger is your greatest enemy. That is why just stopping eating never works. Your body is used to being fed. Has been since you were born. To suddenly stop is not only bad for your health and your psyche, but is sends the body into starvation mode where it fights to sustain every ounce of fat. Eat. Lots. All the time if necessary, but eat delightful, tasty foods that are not full of fat. Have a low fat cereal for breakfast. Or, if you really want to be good to yourself, have a bowl of porridge with sugar and milk. The oats are good for you in every way. They strip cholesterol from your veins and fill your stomach without effort for hours. Eat fish, it is good for your heart. Eat fruits that you like. Find some vegetables you might enjoy. Try tomatoes on crackers. Find a diet solution which gives you recipes and advice on preparation so you can eat a varied and satisfying diet. The one I used to lose over 100 pounds is linked at the end of this article. I truly recommend it for its simplicity and effectiveness.

5. The final step to losing weight without fail. Walk. Every day. Don’t run. If you are overweight it is unlikely you are in any condition to run past the corner, let alone around a sports field. Walk. The first day walk to the corner and back. The second day, walk to the corner plus ten steps, then walk back. Take your time. Listen to the birds. Or the people. Or the traffic. The third day, walk to the corner plus twenty steps, then walk back. Each day you have done just a little more exercise, because that is what it is, and your body is becoming accustomed to the effort. Your body enjoys the walk and it will pay you back a hundred times for each step you take.

I know that this plan will work for you without fail. It worked for me.

Kindness is more important than wisdom.

Author Bio: Martin P Kerrigan, Wombat, was overweight for much of his life. It was only when he found The Diet Solution Program that he was able to lose over 100 pounds and achieve his ideal weight. He now has a new job, a new girlfriend and teaches wing chun kung fu. He is still called Wombat by his friends but. To check out The Diet Solution which worked for him, go to : The Diet Solution Program

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weightloss,lose weight,,lose weight quickly,fat burners

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