The Makings of a Succesful Mesothelioma Case

Once afflicted with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related illness, the initial recourse, apart from seeking medical attention, is to file a lawsuit against the company that manufactured, distributed, or used asbestos containing products. A won case, after all, grants the victim financial compensation from the company. Filing a case, however, isn’t always easy. Not every case results in a victory for the ill and grieving party, and there are lots of factors to consider.

Valuation of a Mesothelioma Case

Mesothelioma is a serious illness and the survival rate is poor, especially if not given medical attention early. Asbestos exposure is the primary culprit, as asbestos fibers, once inhaled, damage or rupture the pleura, the outer lining of the lungs and heart. Since asbestos exposure leads to many harmful conditions, including mesothelioma, compensation is necessary. Before filing a case, here are several factors that you should consider:

– Diagnosis of Mesothelioma – Mesothelioma lies dormant for years, even decades, before its full effects become noticeable. Unless you have been diagnosed with the deadly disease and have appropriate medical documentation, your case might not have enough merit to bring a lawsuit against an asbestos producing company. Have yourself checked for mesothelioma before proceeding with any legal action. Once your doctor has confirmed that you’re afflicted with the illness, you can then consult an asbestos law firm like Motley Rice.

– Work Records – The location, date and time of asbestos exposure are critical. Isolating the time of exposure can help hold a company liable for directly or indirectly causing mesothelioma, which can then result in your being paid compensation for damages. This process isn’t easy since you have to prove that asbestos exposure actually happened at a certain time and that you were exposed to that certain product. Consult legal counsel to help you construct a valid argument.

– Prognosis – Securing a prognosis of mesothelioma strengthens your case by validating the damage done by asbestos exposure and showing the financial burdens due to the illness. Expenses mount from treatments and hiring care-givers, while days off of work result in significant loss of income. Remember, the financial matters should always be considered when filing a lawsuit and determining the amount of damages that the party held responsible should pay.

Virtually all cases of malignant mesothelioma in the United States and Canada are attributed to asbestos exposure. As this form of cancer can occur 10-60 years after the initial exposure, it is important to recognize the most common symptoms which include anemia, back pain, chest pain, cough, enlarged abdomen, fever, hoarseness, recurrent build-up of fluid in the lungs, shortness of breath and weight loss.

Consulting Asbestos Lawyers

Asbestos lawyers are the official litigating attorneys for defending asbestos victims. They review and analyze asbestos cases, highlighting the merits and coordinating them with the laws violated by asbestos companies. You should consult an asbestos attorney if you believe that you may have contracted mesothelioma from your work environment or upon the use/purchase of an item that contains asbestos. They will evaluate your case and determine if you can file a lawsuit.

Author Bio: If you’d like to learn more about your legal rights and options when it comes to asbestos lawsuits, please contact an asbestos lawyer

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: asbestos exposure, asbestos lawsuit, asbestos lawyers, asbestosis

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